Version 3.2.0: Copy ```` from Python 3.12 because Python 3.13 dropped it. Version 3.1.0.post7: GHActions: Test with Python 3.12. Version 3.1.0.post5 (2023-07-07) Install all Python and PyPy versions from ``conda-forge``. Version 3.1.0.post4 (2022-12-15) Use ``conda`` to install old Python versions. Version 3.1.0.post3 (2022-12-02) PyPy3. Version 3.1.0.post2 (2022-10-26) Python 3.11. Version 3.1.0.post1 (2021-09-24) GitHub Actions. Stop testing at Travis. Version 3.1.0 (2021-05-23) Convert mimedecode.docbook to reST. Generate html/man/text using Sphinx. Replaced outdated and insecure `mktemp` with `NamedTemporaryFile`. Python 3.8, 3.9. Version 3.0.0 (2019-02-01) Python 3.7. Drop support for Python 3.3. Version 2.9.0 (2017-12-12) Split into a mimedecode library and a small script. Move and to the library. Make the library executable via ``python -m mimedecode``. Rename to Version 2.8.0 (2017-11-03) Python 3. Monkey-patch email.message._formatparam under Python 3: replace it with _formatparam from Python 2.7 to avoid re-encoding non-ascii params. Fix: do not decode bytes to unicode under Python 2.7. Stop supporting Python 2.6. Code cleanup: fixed flake8 errors and warnings. Push to GitHub. Tests at Travis. Version 2.7.0 (2017-04-26) Use m_lib.defenc instead of m_lib; install it from PyPI. Make options --save-headers|body|message to work with multipart subparts. Version 2.6.0 (2014-06-08) Make options -e/-i to work with multipart subparts. Add option -I to completely ignore a part - no headers, no body, no warning. Open all output files in binary mode. Output os.linesep instead of '\n'. Test --save-headers|body|message masks one after another to allow saving a message or a subpart to more than one file. Version 2.5.0 (2014-03-18) Add option --set-header=header:value to set header's value (only at the top level). Add option --set-param=header:param=value to set header parameter's value (only at the top level). The header must exist. Add option -B to skip content-transfer-decoding binary attachments. Add options --save-headers, --save-body and --save-message to save decoded headers/bodies/messages to files. Add option -O to set the destination directory for output files. Fix a minor bug: if a multipart message (or a subpart) lacks any textual content - avoid putting an excessive newline. Version 2.4.0 (2014-03-08) Change option -d to accept a comma-separated list of headers: -d h1,h2,h3,... Change option -d to decode all headers and accept a list of exceptions: -d *,-h1,-h2,... Change option -p to accept lists of headers and parameters: -p h1,h2,h3,..:p1,p2,p3,.. Allow * and exceptions for -p in the headers and parameters lists: -p *,-h1,-h2,-h3:p1,p2,p3 -p h1,h2,h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3 -p *,-h1,-h2,-h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3 Change option -r to accept a list of headers: -r h1,h2,h3,... Change option -r to remove all headers and accept a list of exceptions: -r *,-h1,-h2,... Change option -R to accept lists of headers and parameters: -R h1,h2,h3:p1,p2,p3 -R h1,h2,h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3 -R *,-h1,-h2,-h3:p1,p2,p3 -R *,-h1,-h2,-h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3 Publish docs in html format. Add ChangeLog. Version 2.3.8 (2014-02-26) Add option --remove-params=header to remove all parameters from the header. Version 2.3.7 (2014-02-23) Add option -r to remove headers and option -R to remove header's parameters. Version 2.3.6 (2014-02-19) Decode "To", "Cc", "Reply-To" and "Mail-Followup-To" headers by default. Report test progress and success. Add tests for headers and parameters decoding. Add tests for passing (-b) and skipping (-i) message bodies. Version 2.3.4 (2014-02-11) Optimize recursive decoding. Fix a bug - decode message/rfc822 subparts. Version 2.3.3 (2014-02-02) Forbid filtering from console. When the program runs with stdin connected to the console it shows usage help. Fix a bug - option -o and no parameters. Version 2.3.2 (2014-02-01) Fix a bug - do not generate 'From ' headers in subparts. Add option --host. Add tests. Version 2.3.1 (2014-01-31) Update documentation. Version 2.3.0 (2014-01-30) Add option -o and output_file argument. Version 2.2.2 (2014-01-23) Upgrade docbook-xsl. Version 2.2.1 (2013-12-24) Add mk-distr helper. Version 2.2.0 (2013-12-21) Rename to Use setuptools. Version 2.1.5 (2013-12-18) Move __version__ out of to to allow installation without m_lib. Version 2.1.4 (2013-12-11) Add installation instruction in INSTALL.txt. Version 2.1.3 (2013-12-10) Minor bugfix. Version 2.1.2 (2013-07-26) Minor fix in Makefile. Switched to git. Version 2.1.1 (2012-04-15) Removed svn:keywords. Version 2.1.0 (2006-04-27) A patch by Bogdan Maryniuk : portable way to get the default charset. Version 2.0.0 Major rewrite to use python email package.