Change parse_html to parse strings, not files. Split simple robot: separate network operations and URL handling. Allow parameters in BKMK_ROBOT; for example, 'forking:urllib'. A new robot based on urllib2. A new robot based on PycURL. HTML parser based on BeautifulSoup4. A program to publish bookmarks with icons. Fetch description from and store it in bookmark.description if the description is empty. (How to update old descriptions without replacing my own comments?) Parse (or interpret) downloaded file and get javascript redirects. More and better documentation. Merge "writers" to storage managers. New storage managers: shelve, SQL, ZODB, MetaKit. More robots (URL checkers): threading, asyncore-based; robots that test many URLs in parallel. Configuration file to configure defaults - global defaults for the system and local defaults for subsystems. Ruleset-based mechanisms to filter out what types of URLs to check: checking based on URL schema, host, port, path, filename, extension, etc. Detailed reports on robot run - what's old, what's new, what has been moved, errors, etc. WWW-interface to the report. Bigger database. Multiuser database. Robot should operates on a part of the DB. WWW-interface to the database. User should import/export/edit bookmarks, schedule robot run, etc.