- name: Test if dehydrated is already cloned local_action: module: stat path: /usr/local/src/LetsEncrypt/dehydrated/.git/config register: dehydrated changed_when: not dehydrated.stat.exists - block: - name: Install git become: true local_action: module: apt autoclean: yes autoremove: yes install_recommends: no name: git state: latest update_cache: yes - name: Prepare to clone dehydrated local_action: module: file path: /usr/local/src/LetsEncrypt state: directory - name: Clone dehydrated local_action: module: git repo: https://github.com/lukas2511/dehydrated.git dest: /usr/local/src/LetsEncrypt/dehydrated when: not dehydrated.stat.exists - name: Prepare the server to synchronize dehydrated become: true file: path: /usr/local/src/LetsEncrypt state: directory owner: root group: staff mode: "ug+rwx,o+rx,g+s" - name: Synchronize dehydrated to the server synchronize: src: /usr/local/src/LetsEncrypt/dehydrated dest: /usr/local/src/LetsEncrypt - name: Configure dehydrated weekly run become: true copy: src: dehydrated dest: /etc/cron.weekly owner: root group: root mode: '0700'