DestroyFunc AudioPlayer
AddToFunc AudioPlayer I GotoDeskAndPage 0 1 1
-+ I Exec LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R QT_FONT_DPI=180 exec cgmem_nice 200 audacious
++ I Exec LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R exec cgmem_nice 300 deadbeef
DestroyFunc Term-Iskra
AddToFunc Term-Iskra I GotoDeskAndPage 1 1 2
*FvwmButtons: (Title Next, Icon Jrecycle.xpm, Action Exec exec "$HOME"/current/projects/xsetbg/xsetbg-http-force)
#*FvwmButtons: (Title pavucontrol, Icon mini.sound.xpm, Action Exec "Volume Control" exec cgmem_nice 200 pavucontrol)
#*FvwmButtons: (Title Id3Info, Icon bell.xpm, Action Id3Info)
-*FvwmButtons: (Title AudioPlayer, Icon bell.xpm, Action Exec "Audacious" LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R QT_FONT_DPI=180 exec cgmem_nice 200 audacious)
+*FvwmButtons: (Title AudioPlayer, Icon bell.xpm, Action Exec "deadbeef" LC_CTYPE=ru_RU.KOI8-R exec cgmem_nice 300 deadbeef)
#*FvwmButtons: (Title XLock, Icon Jxlock.xpm, Action Exec exec xscreensaver-command -lock)
*FvwmButtons: (Title Skype, Icon skypeforlinux.png, Action Skype)
+ t lr & f \.(aac|ac3|ape|cue|dts|flac|m3u8?|mka|mp3|MP3|ogg|OGG|pls|WAV|wav|wv)$ | t t
a Add the audiofile(s) or playlist(s)
- if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
- for f in %s; do
- case "$f" in
- *.m3u8?) while read song; do
- audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
- done < "$f" ;;
- *) audtool --playlist-addurl "$f" ;;
- esac
- done
- #deadbeef --queue %s &
+ #if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
+ #for f in %s; do
+ # case "$f" in
+ # *.m3u8?) while read song; do
+ # audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
+ # done < "$f" ;;
+ # *) audtool --playlist-addurl "$f" ;;
+ # esac
+ #done
+ deadbeef --queue %s &
+ t lr & f \.(aac|ac3|ape|cue|dts|flac|m3u8?|mka|mp3|MP3|ogg|OGG|pls|WAV|wav|wv)$ | t t
= t lr & f \.(aac|ac3|ape|cue|dts|flac|m3u8?|mka|mp3|MP3|ogg|OGG|pls|WAV|wav|wv)$
p Load the audiofile(s) or playlist(s)
- if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
- audtool --playlist-clear
- for f in %s; do
- case "$f" in
- *.m3u8?) while read song; do
- audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
- done < "$f" ;;
- *) audtool --playlist-addurl "$f" ;;
- esac
- done
- #deadbeef --queue %s &
+ #if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
+ #audtool --playlist-clear
+ #for f in %s; do
+ # case "$f" in
+ # *.m3u8?) while read song; do
+ # audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
+ # done < "$f" ;;
+ # *) audtool --playlist-addurl "$f" ;;
+ # esac
+ #done
+ deadbeef --queue %s &
+ t lr & f \.(aac|ac3|ape|cue|dts|flac|m3u8?|mka|mp3|MP3|ogg|OGG|pls|WAV|wav|wv)$ | t t
P Play the audiofile(s) or playlist(s)
- if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
- audtool --playlist-clear
- for f in %s; do
- case "$f" in
- *.m3u8?) while read song; do
- audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
- done < "$f" ;;
- *) audtool --playlist-addurl "$f" ;;
- esac
- done
- exec audtool --playback-play
+ #if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
+ #audtool --playlist-clear
+ #for f in %s; do
+ # case "$f" in
+ # *.m3u8?) while read song; do
+ # audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
+ # done < "$f" ;;
+ # *) audtool --playlist-addurl "$f" ;;
+ # esac
+ #done
+ #exec audtool --playback-play
+ deadbeef %s &
#mplayer -playlist %f &
- #deadbeef %s &
+ t lr & f \.m3u8?
R Play the playlist in random order
"$HOME"/admin/prog/audio-cdr-video/audio/ %f random-playlist-tmp.m3u
- if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
- audtool --playlist-clear
- while read song; do
- audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
- done < random-playlist-tmp.m3u
- audtool --playback-play
+ #if [ "`audtool --get-volume`" -eq 0 ]; then audacious & sleep 3; fi
+ #audtool --playlist-clear
+ #while read song; do
+ # audtool --playlist-addurl "$song"
+ #done < random-playlist-tmp.m3u
+ #audtool --playback-play
+ deadbeef --queue random-playlist-tmp.m3u & deadbeef --play
#mplayer -playlist random-playlist-tmp.m3u &
- #deadbeef --queue random-playlist-tmp.m3u & deadbeef --play
(sleep 5; exec rm random-playlist-tmp.m3u) &
+ t lr & f \.(m3u8?|mp3|MP3|cue|aac|ac3|ape|dts|flac|ogg|OGG|pls|WAV|wav|wv|avi|AVI|flv|m2ts|m4v|mka|mkv|MKV|mov|MOV|mp4|MP4|mpg|MPG|vob|VOB|wma|wmv)$