-Version 2.4.0 (2014-03-??)
+WHAT'S NEW in version 2.4.0 (2014-03-08)
+ Change option -d to accept a comma-separated list of headers:
+-d h1,h2,h3,...
+ Change option -d to decode all headers and accept a list of exceptions:
+-d *,-h1,-h2,...
+ Change option -p to accept lists of headers and parameters:
+-p h1,h2,h3,..:p1,p2,p3,..
+ Allow * and exceptions for -p in the headers and parameters lists:
+-p *,-h1,-h2,-h3:p1,p2,p3
+-p h1,h2,h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3
+-p *,-h1,-h2,-h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3
+ Change option -r to accept a list of headers: -r h1,h2,h3,...
+ Change option -r to remove all headers and accept a list of exceptions:
+-r *,-h1,-h2,...
+ Change option -R to accept lists of headers and parameters:
+-R h1,h2,h3:p1,p2,p3
+-R h1,h2,h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3
+-R *,-h1,-h2,-h3:p1,p2,p3
+-R *,-h1,-h2,-h3:*,-p1,-p2,-p3
+ Publish docs in html format.
Add ChangeLog.