metafile. The script doesn't check if the torrent consists of a .META file or
directory (quite unlikely).
-Date/time for all files is set to midnight of the 1st January of the current
-year. The filesystem is, naturally, read-only.
+Date/time for all directories/files is set to the value of 'creation date'
+field, if it exists; if not date/time is set to the last modification time of
+the torrent file itself.
+The filesystem is, naturally, read-only.
metafile. The script doesn't check if the torrent consists of a .META file or
directory (quite unlikely).
-Date/time for all files is set to midnight of the 1st January of the current
-year. The filesystem is, naturally, read-only.
+Date/time for all directories/files is set to the value of 'creation date'
+field, if it exists; if not date/time is set to the last modification time of
+the torrent file itself.
+The filesystem is, naturally, read-only.
.torrent. ������� �� ���������, ��� ���� .torrent ������� �� ���������� .META
(������ ���� ��������).
-����/����� ���� ������ ��������������� � 1-�� ������ �������� ����. ��������
-�������, �������, ������ ��� ������.
+����/����� ���� ���������� � ������ ��������������� � �������� ���� 'creation
+date', ���� ��� ����������; ���� ������ ���� ���, ����/����� ��������������� ��
+������� ���������� ��������� ������ ����� .torrent.
+�������� �������, �������, ������ ��� ������.
are collected in a file named "text", stripped and reencoded. The filesystem is
+Date/time for all directories/files set to the last modification time of the
+XML file.
Implementation based on minidom doesn't understand namespaces, it just shows
them among other attributes. ElementTree-based implementation doesn't show
namespaces at all. Implementation based on lxml.etree shows namespaces in a
are collected in a file named "text", stripped and reencoded. The filesystem is
+Date/time for all directories/files set to the last modification time of the
+XML file.
Implementation based on minidom doesn't understand namespaces, it just shows
them among other attributes. ElementTree-based implementation doesn't show
namespaces at all. Implementation based on lxml.etree shows namespaces in a
���������� � ����������� ������������ � ����� "text"; ��������� � ��������
������� ���������, ����� ��������������. �������� ������� ������ ��� ������.
+����/����� ���� ���������� � ������ ��������������� �� ������� ����������
+��������� ������ ����� XML.
���������� �� ������ minidom �� �������� ����������� �ͣ�; ������������ �ͣ�
������������ ����� ������ ���������. ���������� �� ������ ElementTree ��
���������� ����������� �ͣ� ������. ���������� �� ������ lxml.etree ����������