__author__ = "Oleg BroytMann <phd@phd.pp.ru>"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2006 PhiloSoft Design"
import sys, os
from glob import glob
from Cheetah.Template import Template
+# Load old blog
blog_filename = sys.argv[1]
blog_file = open(blog_filename, "rb")
except IOError:
- blog = {}
+ old_blog = {}
- blog = pickle.load(blog_file)
+ old_blog = pickle.load(blog_file)
+# blog is a dictionary mapping (year, month, day) => (title, filename, lead)
+blog = {}
years = {}
-months = sys.argv[2:]
-isdir = os.path.isdir
-if not months:
- for year in os.listdir(os.curdir):
- if isdir(year):
- years[year] = {}
- for month in os.listdir(year):
- m = os.path.join(year, month)
- if isdir(m):
- months.append(m)
-days = []
-for month in months:
- year, m = month.split(os.sep)
- if year not in years:
- years[year] = {}
- years[year][m] = days_of_month = []
- for day in os.listdir(month):
- d = os.path.join(month, day)
- if isdir(d):
- days.append(d)
- days_of_month.append(d)
-for day in days:
- for tmpl in glob(os.path.join(day, "*.tmpl")):
- template = Template(file=tmpl)
+# Walk the directory recursively
+for dirpath, dirs, files in os.walk(os.curdir):
+ for file in files:
+ # Ignore index.tmpl and *.html files; supose all other files are *.tmpl
+ if file == "index.tmpl" or file.endswith(".html"):
+ continue
+ fullpath = os.path.join(dirpath, file)
+ template = Template(file=fullpath)
title_parts = template.Title.split()
title = ' '.join(title_parts[6:])
lead = getattr(template, "Lead", None)
if title:
- day_parts = day.split(os.sep)
- blog[tuple(day_parts)] = (title, os.path.basename(tmpl), lead)
+ year, month, day = dirpath.split(os.sep)[1:]
+ blog[year, month, day] = (title, os.path.basename(file), lead)
+ if year in years:
+ months = years[year]
+ else:
+ months = years[year] = {}
+ if month in months:
+ days = months[month]
+ else:
+ days = months[month] = []
-blog_file = open(blog_filename, "wb")
-pickle.dump(blog, blog_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ days.append(day)
+# Need to save the blog?
+if blog <> old_blog:
+ blog_file = open(blog_filename, "wb")
+ pickle.dump(blog, blog_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+ blog_file.close()
+# Localized month names
import locale
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
from calendar import _localized_day, _localized_month
-def write_template(year, month, titles):
- index_name = os.path.join(year, month, "index.tmpl")
+def write_template(year, month, day, titles):
+ index_name = os.path.join(year, month, day, "index.tmpl")
index_tmpl = open(index_name, 'r')
old_text = index_tmpl.read()
new_text = []
show_year = not year
show_month = not month
+ show_day = not day
<H1>Журнал: %(year)s</H1>
""" % {"year": year, "cyear": year or 2005})
- else:
+ elif show_day:
month = int(month)
"month_name_ru0": months_names_ru0[month],
+ else:
+ day = int(day)
+ month = int(month)
+ new_text.append("""\
+#attr $Title = "Oleg BroytMann's blog: %(day)d %(month_abbr_en)s %(year)s"
+#attr $Description = "BroytMann Russian Blog %(day)d %(month_name_en)s %(year)s Index Document"
+#attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s
+#def body_html
+<H1>Журнал: %(day)d %(month_name_ru0)s %(year)s</H1>
+""" % {
+ "year": year, "cyear": year or 2005,
+ "month_abbr_en": months_abbrs_en[month], "month_name_en": months_names_en[month],
+ "month_name_ru0": months_names_ru0[month],
+ "day": day
+ })
save_titles = titles[:]
if show_month:
- href.append(day)
+ if show_day:
+ href.append(day)
href = '/'.join(href)
if day[0] == '0': day = day[1:]
-def translate(tmpl):
- if tmpl == "index.tmpl": tmpl = ''
- if tmpl.endswith(".tmpl"): tmpl = tmpl[:-len("tmpl")] + "html"
- return tmpl
-all_years = {}
all_titles = []
-for key in sorted(blog.keys()):
- year, month, day = key
- if year in all_years:
- year_d = all_years[year]
- else:
- all_years[year] = year_d = {}
- if month in year_d:
- days_of_month = year_d[month]
- else:
- year_d[month] = days_of_month = []
- d = os.path.join(year, month, day)
- days_of_month.append(d)
- title, tmpl, lead = blog[key]
- all_titles.append((key, translate(tmpl), title, lead))
-all_titles = all_titles[-20:]
for year in sorted(years.keys()):
year_titles = []
- months = all_years[year]
+ months = years[year]
for month in sorted(months.keys()):
month_titles = []
- for day in sorted(months[month]):
- day_parts = day.split(os.sep)
- key = tuple(day_parts)
+ for day in months[month]:
+ day_titles = []
+ key = year, month, day
if key in blog:
title, tmpl, lead = blog[key]
- tmpl = translate(tmpl)
+ if tmpl.endswith(".tmpl"): tmpl = tmpl[:-len("tmpl")] + "html"
+ all_titles.append((key, tmpl, title, lead))
year_titles.append((key, tmpl, title, lead))
month_titles.append((key, tmpl, title, lead))
- write_template(year, month, month_titles)
- write_template(year, '', year_titles)
-write_template('', '', all_titles)
+ day_titles.append((key, tmpl, title, lead))
+ write_template(year, month, day, day_titles)
+ write_template(year, month, '', month_titles)
+ write_template(year, '', '', year_titles)
+write_template('', '', '', all_titles[-20:])