__date__ = "$Date$"[7:-2]
__author__ = "Oleg BroytMann <phd@phd.pp.ru>"
-__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2000-2006 PhiloSoft Design"
+__copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2000-2009 PhiloSoft Design"
__license__ = "GNU GPL"
-xwininfo = os.popen("xwininfo -root", 'r')
-xwininfo_lines = xwininfo.read()
-rc = xwininfo.close()
-if rc:
- error("calling xwininfo", rc)
-screen_width = None
-screen_height = None
-for line in xwininfo_lines.split('\n'):
- line = line.strip()
- if line.startswith("Width: "):
- screen_width = int(line[len("Width: "):])
- elif line.startswith("Height: "):
- screen_height = int(line[len("Height: "):])
-if not screen_width or not screen_height:
- error("parsing xwininfo output")
from ConfigParser import SafeConfigParser
xsetbg_dir = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], "lib", "xsetbg")
error("No images found. Abort.")
- from PIL import Image
- use_PIL = True
-except ImportError:
- use_PIL = False
def run():
if len(sys.argv) not in (1, 2):
global_db[image_name] = current_time
- border = random.choice(borders)
- root, ext = os.path.splitext(image_name)
# Save filename
if global_db.has_key(filename_key):
global_db[old_filename_key] = global_db[filename_key]
global_db[filename_key] = image_name
- placement_options = []
- if use_PIL:
- image = Image.open(image_name, 'r')
- im_w, im_h = image.size
- del image
- if (im_w > screen_width) or (im_h > screen_height):
- zoom = min(screen_width*100//im_w, screen_height*100//im_h)
- if zoom > 0: placement_options = ["-zoom", str(zoom)]
# Unlock and close the lock file
flock(lock_file , LOCK_UN)
# Flush and close the global persistent dictionary
if global_db: global_db.close()
+ program_options = ["xli", "xli", "-onroot", "-quiet"] + \
+ ["-center", "-border", random.choice(borders), "-zoom", "auto",
+ image_name]
- if ext.lower() in (".bmp", ".png"):
- # xsetbg does not recognize BMP files.
- # PNG files have gamma settings, and xli can adapt it to the display gamma;
- # xloadimage/xview/xsetbg display them with wrong gamma.
- program_options = ["xli", "xli", "-onroot", "-quiet"] + placement_options + \
- ["-center", "-border", border, image_name]
- os.execlp(*program_options)
- error("cannot execute xli!")
- else:
- # ...but xli failed to load many image types, use xsetbg for them
- program_options = ["xsetbg", "xsetbg"] + placement_options + \
- ["-center", "-border", border, image_name]
- os.execlp(*program_options)
- error("cannot execute xsetbg!")
+ os.execlp(*program_options)
+ error("cannot execute xli!")
if __name__ == "__main__":