" SpamCop reports - goto the 9th line and start a browser
nmap <Esc>z 9G3<Bar>,b
-" Remove my signature from a forwarded message
-nmap \f 2GddG4k5ddkdd
-" Remove boilerplate from a forwarded message from Trac
-nmap \t 1G21ddG15k11dd:%s/^+//<Enter>:%s/^ \*/--/<Enter>1G
+++ /dev/null
-if exists("b:did_ftplugin")
- finish
-if has("iconv") && !exists('b:encoding_set')
- " Try to recognize the file encoding and convert the file
- if search("^encoding ") > 0
- let line = getline(".")
- let encoding = matchlist(line, 'encoding *[:=] *\([^ ]\+\)$')[1]
- call SetupEncoding(encoding)
- endif