--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/local/bin/python -O
+"""Decode MIME message.
+Author: Oleg Broytmann <phd@phd.pp.ru>
+Copyright: (C) 2001-2002 PhiloSoft Design
+License: GPL
+__version__ = "1.1.7"
+import sys, os
+import mimetools
+ from cStringIO import StringIO
+except ImportError:
+ from StringIO import StringIO
+import socket
+host_name = socket.gethostname()
+me = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
+def usage(code=0):
+ sys.stdout.write("""\
+Usage: %s [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [-cCDP] [-f charset] [-d header] [-p header:param] [-beit mask] [filename]
+""" % me)
+ sys.exit(code)
+def version():
+ sys.stdout.write("""\
+BroytMann mimedecode.py version %s
+""" % __version__)
+ sys.exit(0)
+def output(s):
+ sys.stdout.write(s)
+def output_headers(msg):
+ if msg.unixfrom:
+ output(msg.unixfrom)
+ output("%s\n" % msg)
+def recode(s, charset):
+ return unicode(s, charset, "replace").encode(GlobalOptions.default_charset, "replace")
+def recode2(s, charset):
+ if charset and charset <> GlobalOptions.default_charset:
+ charset = charset.lower()
+ s = recode(s, charset)
+ return s
+def getparam(msg, header, param):
+ "Get parameter from the header; return the header without the parameter, parameter itself and rfc2231 flag"
+ if not msg.has_key(header):
+ return None, None, 0
+ header = msg[header]
+ parts = [part.strip() for part in header.split(';')]
+ new_parts = [parts[0]] # The header itself
+ del parts[0]
+ new_value = None
+ rfc2231_encoded = 0
+ import re, rfc822
+ rfc2231_continuation = re.compile("^%s\\*[0-9]+\\*?$" % param)
+ rfc2231_header = []
+ for part in parts:
+ name, value = part.split('=', 1)
+ # The code is incomplete. Continuations in rfc2231-encoded paramters
+ # (header*1, header*2, etc) are not yet supported
+ if (name == param) or (name == param + '*'):
+ new_value = rfc822.unquote(value)
+ rfc2231_encoded += (name <> param)
+ elif rfc2231_continuation.match(name):
+ rfc2231_header.append(rfc822.unquote(value))
+ rfc2231_encoded = 1
+ else:
+ new_parts.append(part)
+ if rfc2231_header:
+ new_value = ''.join(rfc2231_header)
+ if new_value is not None:
+ return "; ".join(new_parts), new_value, rfc2231_encoded
+ return None, None, 0
+def decode_header(msg, header):
+ "Decode mail header (if exists) and put it back, if it was encoded"
+ if msg.has_key(header):
+ value = msg[header]
+ new_value = decode_rfc2047(value)
+ if value <> new_value: # do not bother to touch msg if not changed
+ msg[header] = new_value
+def decode_header_param(msg, header, param):
+ "Decode mail header's parameter (if exists) and put it back, if it was encoded"
+ if msg.has_key(header):
+ new_value, pstr, rfc2231_encoded = getparam(msg, header, param)
+ if pstr is not None:
+ if rfc2231_encoded:
+ new_str = decode_rfc2231(pstr)
+ else:
+ new_str = decode_rfc2047(pstr)
+ if pstr <> new_str: # do not bother to touch msg if not changed
+ msg[header] = "%s; %s=\"%s\"" % (new_value, param, new_str)
+def decode_rfc2047(s):
+ "Decode string according to rfc2047"
+ parts = s.split() # by whitespaces
+ new_parts = []
+ got_encoded = 0
+ for s in parts:
+ l = s.split('?')
+ if l[0] <> '=' or l[4] <> '=': # assert correct format
+ new_parts.append(' ')
+ new_parts.append(s) # if not encoded - just put it into output
+ got_encoded = 0
+ continue
+ if not got_encoded:
+ new_parts.append(' ') # no space between encoded parts, one space otherwise
+ got_encoded = 1
+ charset = l[1].lower()
+ encoding = l[2].lower()
+ s = l[3]
+ if '*' in charset:
+ charset, language = charset.split('*', 1) # language ignored
+ infile = StringIO(s)
+ outfile = StringIO()
+ if encoding == "b":
+ from base64 import decode
+ elif encoding == "q":
+ from quopri import decode
+ else:
+ raise ValueError, "wrong encoding `%s' (expected 'b' or 'q')" % encoding
+ decode(infile, outfile)
+ s = outfile.getvalue()
+ if charset == GlobalOptions.default_charset:
+ new_parts.append(s) # do not recode
+ continue
+ s = recode(s, charset)
+ new_parts.append(s)
+ if new_parts and new_parts[0] == ' ':
+ del new_parts[0]
+ return ''.join(new_parts)
+def decode_rfc2231(s):
+ "Decode string according to rfc2231"
+ charset, language, s = s.split("'", 2) # language ignored
+ i = 0
+ result = []
+ while i < len(s):
+ c = s[i]
+ if c == '%': # hex
+ i += 1
+ c = chr(int(s[i:i+2], 16))
+ i += 1
+ result.append(c)
+ i += 1
+ s = ''.join(result)
+ s = recode2(s, charset)
+ return s
+def decode_headers(msg):
+ "Decode message headers according to global options"
+ for header in GlobalOptions.decode_headers:
+ decode_header(msg, header)
+ for header, param in GlobalOptions.decode_header_params:
+ decode_header_param(msg, header, param)
+ if header.lower() == "content-type" and msg.has_key(header):
+ # reparse type
+ msg.typeheader = msg[header]
+ msg.parsetype() # required for plist...
+ msg.parseplist() #... and reparse decoded plist
+def set_content_type(msg, newtype, charset=None):
+ plist = msg.getplist()
+ if plist:
+ if charset:
+ newplist = []
+ for p in plist:
+ if p.split('=')[0] == "charset":
+ p = "charset=%s" % charset
+ newplist.append(p)
+ plist = newplist
+ elif charset:
+ plist = ["charset=%s" % charset]
+ else:
+ plist = []
+ if plist and plist[0]: plist.insert(0, '')
+ msg["Content-Type"] = "%s%s" % (newtype, ";\n ".join(plist))
+caps = None # Globally stored mailcap database; initialized only if needed
+def decode_body(msg, s):
+ "Decode body to plain text using first copiousoutput filter from mailcap"
+ import mailcap, tempfile
+ global caps
+ if caps is None:
+ caps = mailcap.getcaps()
+ content_type = msg.gettype()
+ filename = tempfile.mktemp()
+ command = None
+ entries = mailcap.lookup(caps, content_type, "view")
+ for entry in entries:
+ if entry.has_key('copiousoutput'):
+ if entry.has_key('test'):
+ test = mailcap.subst(entry['test'], content_type, filename)
+ if test and os.system(test) != 0:
+ continue
+ command = mailcap.subst(entry["view"], content_type, filename)
+ break
+ if not command:
+ return s
+ file = open(filename, 'w')
+ file.write(s)
+ file.close()
+ pipe = os.popen(command, 'r')
+ s = pipe.read()
+ pipe.close()
+ os.remove(filename)
+ set_content_type(msg, "text/plain")
+ msg["X-MIME-Body-Autoconverted"] = "from %s to text/plain by %s id %s" % (content_type, host_name, command.split()[0])
+ msg.maintype = "text"
+ msg.subtype = "plain"
+ msg.type = "text/plain"
+ return s
+def recode_charset(msg, s):
+ "Recode charset of the message to the default charset"
+ save_charset = charset = msg.getparam("charset")
+ if charset and charset <> GlobalOptions.default_charset:
+ s = recode2(s, charset)
+ content_type = msg.gettype()
+ set_content_type(msg, content_type, GlobalOptions.default_charset)
+ msg["X-MIME-Charset-Autoconverted"] = "from %s to %s by %s id %s" % (save_charset, GlobalOptions.default_charset, host_name, me)
+ return s
+def totext(msg, infile):
+ "Convert infile (StringIO) content to text"
+ if msg.getmaintype() == "multipart": # Recursively decode all parts of the multipart message
+ newfile = StringIO("%s\n%s" % (msg, infile.getvalue()))
+ decode_file(newfile)
+ return
+ # Decode body and recode charset
+ s = decode_body(msg, infile.getvalue())
+ if GlobalOptions.recode_charset:
+ s = recode_charset(msg, s)
+ output_headers(msg)
+ output(s)
+def decode_part(msg, infile):
+ "Decode one part of the message"
+ encoding = msg.getencoding()
+ outfile = StringIO()
+ if encoding in ('', '7bit', '8bit', 'binary'):
+ mimetools.copyliteral(infile, outfile)
+ else: # Decode from transfer ecoding to text or binary form
+ mimetools.decode(infile, outfile, encoding)
+ msg["Content-Transfer-Encoding"] = "8bit"
+ msg["X-MIME-Autoconverted"] = "from %s to 8bit by %s id %s" % (encoding, host_name, me)
+ decode_headers(msg)
+ # Test all mask lists and find what to do with this content type
+ for content_type in msg.gettype(), msg.getmaintype()+"/*", "*/*":
+ if content_type in GlobalOptions.totext_mask:
+ totext(msg, outfile)
+ return
+ elif content_type in GlobalOptions.binary_mask:
+ output_headers(msg)
+ output(outfile.getvalue())
+ return
+ elif content_type in GlobalOptions.ignore_mask:
+ output_headers(msg)
+ output("\nMessage body of type `%s' skipped.\n" % content_type)
+ return
+ elif content_type in GlobalOptions.error_mask:
+ raise ValueError, "content type `%s' prohibited" % content_type
+ # Neither content type nor masks were listed - decode by default
+ totext(msg, outfile)
+def decode_file(infile, seekable=1):
+ "Decode the entire message"
+ m = mimetools.Message(infile)
+ boundary = m.getparam("boundary")
+ if not boundary:
+ if not m.getheader("Content-Type"): # Not a message, just text - copy it literally
+ output(infile.read())
+ else: # Simple one-part message - decode it
+ decode_part(m, infile)
+ else: # MIME message - decode all parts; may be recursive
+ decode_headers(m)
+ output_headers(m)
+ import multifile
+ mf = multifile.MultiFile(infile, seekable)
+ mf.push(boundary)
+ if not seekable: # Preserve the first part, it is probably not a RFC822-message
+ output(mf.read()) # Usually it is just a few lines of text (MIME warning)
+ while 1:
+ m = mimetools.Message(mf)
+ decode_part(m, mf)
+ if not mf.next():
+ break
+ output("\n--%s\n" % boundary)
+ mf.pop()
+ output("\n--%s--\n" % boundary)
+class GlobalOptions:
+ default_charset = sys.getdefaultencoding()
+ recode_charset = 1 # recode charset of message body
+ decode_headers = ["Subject", "From"] # A list of headers to decode
+ decode_header_params = [("Content-Type", "name"),
+ ("Content-Disposition", "filename")
+ ] # A list of headers' parameters to decode
+ totext_mask = [] # A list of content-types to decode
+ binary_mask = [] # A list to pass through
+ ignore_mask = [] # Ignore (skip, do not decode and do not include into output)
+ error_mask = [] # Raise error if encounter one of these
+def init():
+ from getopt import getopt, GetoptError
+ try:
+ options, arguments = getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'hVcCDPf:d:p:b:e:i:t:',
+ ['help', 'version'])
+ except GetoptError:
+ usage(1)
+ for option, value in options:
+ if option == '-h':
+ usage()
+ elif option == '--help':
+ usage()
+ elif option == '-V':
+ version()
+ elif option == '--version':
+ version()
+ elif option == '-c':
+ GlobalOptions.recode_charset = 1
+ elif option == '-C':
+ GlobalOptions.recode_charset = 0
+ elif option == '-f':
+ GlobalOptions.default_charset = value
+ elif option == '-d':
+ GlobalOptions.decode_headers.append(value)
+ elif option == '-D':
+ GlobalOptions.decode_headers = []
+ elif option == '-p':
+ GlobalOptions.decode_header_params.append(value.split(':', 1))
+ elif option == '-P':
+ GlobalOptions.decode_header_params = []
+ elif option == '-t':
+ GlobalOptions.totext_mask.append(value)
+ elif option == '-b':
+ GlobalOptions.binary_mask.append(value)
+ elif option == '-i':
+ GlobalOptions.ignore_mask.append(value)
+ elif option == '-e':
+ GlobalOptions.error_mask.append(value)
+ else:
+ usage(1)
+ return arguments
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ arguments = init()
+ seekable = 0
+ if len(arguments) == 0:
+ infile = sys.stdin
+ elif len(arguments) <> 1:
+ usage(1)
+ elif arguments[0] == '-':
+ infile = sys.stdin
+ else:
+ infile = open(arguments[0], 'r')
+ seekable = 1
+ decode_file(infile, seekable)