--- /dev/null
+" Convert the file to HTML
+highlight Constant gui=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
+highlight Special gui=NONE guibg=NONE
+highlight Normal gui=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
+highlight Error gui=NONE guifg=NONE guibg=NONE
+runtime syntax/2html.vim
+normal 1G
+normal Gk
+normal 2dd
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/local/bin/python -O
+import os, shutil
+os.umask(0022) # octal; -rw-r--r--
+from m_lib.m_path import get_homedir
+home_dir = get_homedir()
+def add_headers(fname, prev, next):
+ head_fname = os.path.join(home_dir, fname + ".head")
+ head_file = open(head_fname, 'r')
+ head = head_file.read()
+ head_file.close()
+ html_fname = fname + ".html"
+ html_file = open(html_fname, 'r')
+ html = html_file.read()
+ html_file.close()
+ html_file = open(html_fname, 'w')
+ html_file.write("#extends phd_pp_ru\n")
+ html_file.write("#implements respond\n")
+ html_file.write("#attr $Title = \".%s\"\n" % fname)
+ html_file.write("#attr $Copyright = 2003\n")
+ if prev:
+ html_file.write("#attr $Prev = \"%s.html\"\n" % prev)
+ if next:
+ html_file.write("#attr $Next = \"%s.html\"\n" % next)
+ html_file.write("\n")
+ html_file.write("#def body_html\n")
+ html_file.write("#raw\n")
+ html_file.write(head)
+ html_file.write("\n")
+ html_file.write(html)
+ html_file.write("#end raw\n")
+ html_file.write("#end def\n")
+ html_file.write("$phd_pp_ru.respond(self)\n")
+ html_file.close()
+file_types = (("fvwm2rc", "fvwm"),
+ ("mailcap", "conf"), ("mime.types", "conf"),
+ ("muttrc", "muttrc"), ("procmailrc", "procmail"),
+ ("vimrc", "vim"), ("gvimrc", "vim"),
+ ("init.py", "python"), ("init_old.py", "python"))
+ft_len = len(file_types)
+for i, (fname, ftype) in enumerate(file_types):
+ if os.path.exists('.' + fname) and not os.path.exists(fname):
+ shutil.copy2('.' + fname, fname)
+ if os.path.exists(fname):
+ os.system("""exec gvim -f -c "set syntax=%s" -c ":source %s/dotfile2html.vim" "%s"
+ """ % (ftype, home_dir, fname))
+ if i == 0:
+ prev = None
+ else:
+ prev = file_types[i-1][0]
+ if i >= ft_len - 1:
+ next = None
+ else:
+ next = file_types[i+1][0]
+ add_headers(fname, prev, next)
+ os.rename(fname + ".html", fname + ".tmpl")
+ os.chmod(fname, 0644)
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff">#
+# User configuration file for <a href="http://www.fvwm.org/">Fvwm2</a>
+# Text version <a href="fvwm2rc">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff">"
+" User configuration file for <a href="http://vim.sourceforge.net/">Vi IMproved (GUI version)</a>
+" It is sourced after <a href="vimrc.html">.vimrc</a>
+" Text version <a href="gvimrc">here</a>
+" Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff"># This is startup file for interactive python.
+# It is not automatically loaded by python interpreter.
+# To instruct the interpreter to load it insert the following commands
+# into your .profile (use whatever syntax and initialization file
+# is appropriate for your shell):
+# PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/init.py # or where you have really put it
+# Due to nested_scopes and pydoc.help(*args, **kwds) this file only works with
+# Python 2.1 or higher. For Python 1.5.2 and 2.0 use init_old.py.
+# Text version <a href="init.py">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff"># This is startup file for interactive python.
+# It is not automatically loaded by python interpreter.
+# To instruct the interpreter to load it insert the following commands
+# into your .profile (use whatever syntax and initialization file
+# is appropriate for your shell):
+# PYTHONSTARTUP=$HOME/init_old.py # or where you have really put it
+# This is special version for Python 1.5.2 and Python 2.0.
+# Text version <a href="init_old.py">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff"># MIME types -> viewers map.
+# Text version <a href="mailcap">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff"># File extension -> MIME type map.</font>
+<font color="#0000ff"># MIME type Extension</font>
+# Text version <a href="mime.types">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff">#
+# User configuration file for <a href="http://www.mutt.org/">Mutt</a>
+# Text version <a href="muttrc">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff">#
+# User configuration file for <a href="http://www.procmail.org/">Procmail</a>
+# Text version <a href="procmailrc">here</a>
+# Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
--- /dev/null
+<font color="#0000ff">"
+" User configuration file for <a href="http://vim.sourceforge.net/">Vi IMproved</a>
+" Text version <a href="vimrc">here</a>
+" Generated by <a href="gvimrc.html">gvim</a> :runtime syntax/2html.vim
+" A number of scripts mentioned in the file are available <a href="bin/">here</a>.
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+./make-changed && exec ./update-all
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+find ../htdocs/phd.pp.ru -type f -name \*.tmpl -print0 | \
+ xargs -r0 ./make-files
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+find ../htdocs/phd.pp.ru -type f -name \*.tmpl -print | \
+ ./make-changed.py | xargs -r ./make-files
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/local/bin/python -O
+import sys, os
+main_tmpl_mtime = os.path.getmtime("phd_pp_ru.tmpl")
+main_prog_mtime = os.path.getmtime("phd_pp.py")
+for line in sys.stdin:
+ line = line.strip()
+ src_mtime = os.path.getmtime(line)
+ dest = line.replace(".tmpl", ".html")
+ try:
+ dest_mtime = os.path.getmtime(dest)
+ except OSError:
+ make = True
+ else:
+ make = (src_mtime > dest_mtime) or \
+ (main_tmpl_mtime > dest_mtime) or (main_prog_mtime > dest_mtime)
+ if make:
+ print line
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+umask 022
+if [ phd_pp_ru.tmpl -nt phd_pp_ru.py ]; then
+ cheetah compile --nobackup phd_pp_ru.tmpl
+exec cheetah fill --nobackup "$@"
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+exec ./make-files ./files/index.tmpl
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+find ../htdocs/phd.pp.ru -type f -name \*.tmpl -mtime -1 -print0 | \
+ xargs -r0 ./make-files
--- /dev/null
+import os, re, time
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+# Copied from ZWiki
+urlchars = r'[A-Za-z0-9/:@_%~#=&\.\-\?\+\$,]+'
+urlendchar = r'[A-Za-z0-9/]'
+url = r'["=]?((about|gopher|http|https|ftp|mailto|file):%s)' % \
+ (urlchars+urlendchar)
+def _url2href(match):
+ url = match.group(0)
+ return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (url, url)
+full_dirs = len(os.getcwd().split('/')) + 1
+class phd_pp(Template):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
+ Template.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
+ directories = self._fileDirName.split('/')[full_dirs:] # remove directories up to "./files"
+ dirs_to_root = len(directories)
+ if dirs_to_root:
+ root = "../"*dirs_to_root
+ else:
+ root = ''
+ self.root = root
+ path = '/'.join(directories) + '/' + \
+ self._fileBaseName.replace(".tmpl", ".html")
+ if path[0] <> '/': path = '/' + path
+ self.path = path
+ def copyright(self, start_year):
+ this_year = time.localtime()[0]
+ if start_year >= this_year:
+ return this_year
+ if start_year == this_year - 1:
+ return "%s, %s" % (start_year, this_year)
+ return "%s-%s" % (start_year, this_year)
+ def body(self):
+ if hasattr(self, "body_html"):
+ return self.body_html()
+ if hasattr(self, "body_text"):
+ return self.text2html()
+ if hasattr(self, "body_rst"):
+ return self.rst2html()
+ def text2html(self):
+ body = re.sub(url, _url2href, self.body_text())
+ paragraphs = body.split("\n\n")
+ new_paras = []
+ for p in paragraphs:
+ parts = p.split("\n ")
+ parts[0] = parts[0].strip()
+ new_paras.append('\n</p>\n<p>\n'.join(parts))
+ if self.Title:
+ title = "<h1>%s</h1>\n\n" % self.Title
+ else:
+ title = ''
+ body = '\n</p>\n\n<p class="head">\n'.join(new_paras)
+ return "%s<p>%s</p>" % (title, body)
+ def rst2html(self):
+ from docutils.core import publish_parts
+ from locale import getpreferredencoding
+ encoding = getpreferredencoding()
+ parts = publish_parts(self.body_rst(), writer_name="html")
+ title = parts["title"].encode(encoding) or self.Title
+ if title:
+ title = "<h1>%s</h1>" % title
+ subtitle = parts["subtitle"].encode(encoding)
+ if subtitle:
+ subtitle = "<h2>%s</h2>" % subtitle
+ body = parts["body"].encode(encoding)
+ parts = [part for part in (title, subtitle, body) if part]
+ return "\n\n".join(parts)
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: koi8-r -*-
+Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine
+ Generation time: Mon Jan 2 23:48:51 2006
+ Source file: phd_pp_ru.tmpl
+ Source file last modified: Mon Jan 2 23:48:44 2006
+__CHEETAH_genTime__ = 'Mon Jan 2 23:48:51 2006'
+__CHEETAH_src__ = 'phd_pp_ru.tmpl'
+__CHEETAH_version__ = '1.0'
+import sys
+import os
+import os.path
+from os.path import getmtime, exists
+import time
+import types
+import __builtin__
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+from Cheetah.DummyTransaction import DummyTransaction
+from Cheetah.NameMapper import NotFound, valueForName, valueFromSearchList, valueFromFrameOrSearchList
+from Cheetah.CacheRegion import CacheRegion
+import Cheetah.Filters as Filters
+import Cheetah.ErrorCatchers as ErrorCatchers
+from phd_pp import phd_pp
+import time
+ True, False
+except NameError:
+ True, False = (1==1), (1==0)
+class phd_pp_ru(phd_pp):
+ """
+ Autogenerated by CHEETAH: The Python-Powered Template Engine
+ """
+ ##################################################
+ def __init__(self, *args, **KWs):
+ """
+ """
+ phd_pp.__init__(self, *args, **KWs)
+ def respond(self,
+ trans=None,
+ VFFSL=valueFromFrameOrSearchList,
+ VFN=valueForName):
+ """
+ This is the main method generated by Cheetah
+ """
+ if not trans: trans = self.transaction # is None unless self.awake() was called
+ if not trans:
+ trans = DummyTransaction()
+ dummyTrans = True
+ else: dummyTrans = False
+ write = trans.response().write
+ SL = self._searchList
+ globalSetVars = self._globalSetVars
+ filter = self._currentFilter
+ ########################################
+ ## START - generated method body
+ write('''<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
+<meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Location" content="http://phd.pp.ru''')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"path",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$path')) # from line 21, col 62.
+ write('">\n<meta HTTP-Equiv="Last-Modified" content="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"last_modified_en",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$last_modified_en')) # from line 22, col 43.
+ write('">\n<title>')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"Title",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$Title')) # from line 23, col 8.
+ write('</title>\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"refresh",True):
+ write('<meta HTTP-Equiv="Refresh" content="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"refresh",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$refresh')) # from line 25, col 37.
+ write('">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"Description",True):
+ write('<meta name="description" content="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"Description",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$Description')) # from line 28, col 35.
+ write('">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"Keywords",True):
+ write('<meta name="keywords" content="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"Keywords",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$Keywords')) # from line 31, col 32.
+ write('">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"Copyright",True):
+ full_copyright = VFFSL(SL,"copyright",False)(VFFSL(SL,"Copyright",True))
+ write('<meta name="author" content="Oleg BroytMann">\n<meta name="copyright" content="© ')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"full_copyright",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$full_copyright')) # from line 36, col 40.
+ write(' PhiloSoft Design">\n<link rel="copyright" href="." title="© ')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"full_copyright",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$full_copyright')) # from line 37, col 46.
+ write(' PhiloSoft Design">\n')
+ write('<meta name="generator" content="CheetahTemplate">\n<link rev="made" href="mailto:phd@phd.pp.ru">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"root",True):
+ write('<link rel="top" href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"root",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$root')) # from line 42, col 23.
+ write('">\n<link rel="up" href="../">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"Prev",True):
+ write('<link rel="prev" href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"Prev",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$Prev')) # from line 46, col 24.
+ write('">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"Next",True):
+ write('<link rel="next" href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"Next",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$Next')) # from line 49, col 24.
+ write('">\n')
+ write('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"root",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='${root}')) # from line 51, col 61.
+ write('phd.css">\n')
+ if VFFSL(SL,"styles",True):
+ for media, style in VFFSL(SL,"styles",True):
+ write('<STYLE type="text/css" media="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"media",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$media')) # from line 54, col 31.
+ write('">\n<!--\n')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"style",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$style')) # from line 56, col 1.
+ write('\n--></STYLE>\n')
+ write('''<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE"> <!-- MUST DIE -->
+<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000"
+ link="#0000bb" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000">
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"body",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$body')) # from line 64, col 1.
+ write('\n')
+ if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"path",True),"endswith",False)("index.html"):
+ path = VFFSL(SL,"path",True)[:-len("index.html")]
+ write('<hr width="90%">\n')
+ if VFN(VFFSL(SL,"path",True),"startswith",False)("/Russian/"):
+ write('<p class="head" style="font-size: 60%">\xfc\xd4\xc1 \xd3\xd4\xd2\xc1\xce\xc9\xc3\xc1 <a href="http://phd.pp.ru')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"path",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$path')) # from line 70, col 78.
+ write('">http://phd.pp.ru')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"path",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$path')) # from line 70, col 101.
+ write('</a>\n\xc2\xd9\xcc\xc1 \xd3\xc7\xc5\xce\xc5\xd2\xc9\xd2\xcf\xd7\xc1\xce\xc1 ')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"last_modified_ru",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$last_modified_ru')) # from line 71, col 20.
+ write(' \xc9\xda \xdb\xc1\xc2\xcc\xcf\xce\xc1 CheetahTemplate <a href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"_fileBaseName",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$_fileBaseName')) # from line 71, col 74.
+ write('">')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"_fileBaseName",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$_fileBaseName')) # from line 71, col 90.
+ write('</a>;\n\xf7\xd9 \xcd\xcf\xd6\xc5\xd4\xc5 \xd5\xda\xce\xc1\xd4\xd8 <a href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"root",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='${root}')) # from line 72, col 27.
+ write('about/">\xcf</a> <a href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"root",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='${root}')) # from line 72, col 57.
+ write('about/technical.html">\xd4\xc5\xc8\xce\xc9\xde\xc5\xd3\xcb\xc9\xc8</a> \xc1\xd3\xd0\xc5\xcb\xd4\xc1\xc8 \xdc\xd4\xcf\xc7\xcf \xd3\xc1\xca\xd4\xc1.\n</p>\n')
+ else:
+ write('<p class="head" style="font-size: 60%">This is the page <a href="http://phd.pp.ru')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"path",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$path')) # from line 75, col 82.
+ write('">http://phd.pp.ru')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"path",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$path')) # from line 75, col 105.
+ write('</a>.\nIt was generated on ')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"last_modified_en",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$last_modified_en')) # from line 76, col 21.
+ write(' from CheetahTemplate <a href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"_fileBaseName",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$_fileBaseName')) # from line 76, col 69.
+ write('">')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"_fileBaseName",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='$_fileBaseName')) # from line 76, col 85.
+ write('</a>;\nread more <a href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"root",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='${root}')) # from line 77, col 20.
+ write('about/">about</a> <a href="')
+ __v = VFFSL(SL,"root",True)
+ if __v is not None: write(filter(__v, rawExpr='${root}')) # from line 77, col 54.
+ write('about/technical.html">technical</a> aspects of the site.\n</p>\n')
+ write('</body>\n</html>')
+ ########################################
+ ## END - generated method body
+ return dummyTrans and trans.response().getvalue() or ""
+ ##################################################
+ Title = ''
+ Description = None
+ Keywords = None
+ Copyright = None
+ Prev = None
+ Next = None
+ refresh = None
+ last_modified_en = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT", time.gmtime())
+ last_modified_ru = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y � %T", time.localtime())
+ styles = None
+ __str__ = respond
+ _mainCheetahMethod_for_phd_pp_ru= 'respond'
+# CHEETAH was developed by Tavis Rudd, Mike Orr, Ian Bicking and Chuck Esterbrook;
+# with code, advice and input from many other volunteers.
+# For more information visit http://www.CheetahTemplate.org
+## if run from command line:
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ phd_pp_ru().runAsMainProgram()
--- /dev/null
+#encoding koi8-r
+#extends phd_pp
+#implements respond
+#attr $Title = ''
+#attr $Description = None
+#attr $Keywords = None
+#attr $Copyright = None
+#attr $Prev = None
+#attr $Next = None
+#attr $refresh = None
+#import time
+#attr $last_modified_en = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT", time.gmtime())
+#attr $last_modified_ru = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y � %T", time.localtime())
+#attr $styles = None
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
+ "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">
+<meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">
+<meta HTTP-Equiv="Content-Location" content="http://phd.pp.ru$path">
+<meta HTTP-Equiv="Last-Modified" content="$last_modified_en">
+#if $refresh:
+<meta HTTP-Equiv="Refresh" content="$refresh">
+#end if
+#if $Description
+<meta name="description" content="$Description">
+#end if
+#if $Keywords
+<meta name="keywords" content="$Keywords">
+#end if
+#if $Copyright
+#set $full_copyright = $copyright($Copyright)
+<meta name="author" content="Oleg BroytMann">
+<meta name="copyright" content="© $full_copyright PhiloSoft Design">
+<link rel="copyright" href="." title="© $full_copyright PhiloSoft Design">
+#end if
+<meta name="generator" content="CheetahTemplate">
+<link rev="made" href="mailto:phd@phd.pp.ru">
+#if $root
+<link rel="top" href="$root">
+<link rel="up" href="../">
+#end if
+#if $Prev
+<link rel="prev" href="$Prev">
+#end if
+#if $Next
+<link rel="next" href="$Next">
+#end if
+<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="${root}phd.css">
+#if $styles
+#for $media, $style in $styles
+<STYLE type="text/css" media="$media">
+#end for
+#end if
+<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="TRUE"> <!-- MUST DIE -->
+<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000"
+ link="#0000bb" vlink="#551a8b" alink="#ff0000">
+#if $path.endswith("index.html")
+#set $path = $path[:-len("index.html")]
+#end if
+<hr width="90%">
+#if $path.startswith("/Russian/")
+<p class="head" style="font-size: 60%">��� �������� <a href="http://phd.pp.ru$path">http://phd.pp.ru$path</a>
+���� ������������� $last_modified_ru �� ������� CheetahTemplate <a href="$_fileBaseName">$_fileBaseName</a>;
+�� ������ ������ <a href="${root}about/">�</a> <a href="${root}about/technical.html">�����������</a> �������� ����� �����.
+<p class="head" style="font-size: 60%">This is the page <a href="http://phd.pp.ru$path">http://phd.pp.ru$path</a>.
+It was generated on $last_modified_en from CheetahTemplate <a href="$_fileBaseName">$_fileBaseName</a>;
+read more <a href="${root}about/">about</a> <a href="${root}about/technical.html">technical</a> aspects of the site.
+#end if
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/local/bin/python -O
+# -*- coding: koi8-r -*-
+import sys, os
+from glob import glob
+ import cPickle as pickle
+except ImportError:
+ import pickle
+from Cheetah.Template import Template
+blog_filename = sys.argv[1]
+ blog_file = open(blog_filename, "rb")
+except IOError:
+ blog = {}
+ blog = pickle.load(blog_file)
+ blog_file.close()
+years = {}
+months = sys.argv[2:]
+isdir = os.path.isdir
+if not months:
+ for year in os.listdir(os.curdir):
+ if isdir(year):
+ years[year] = {}
+ for month in os.listdir(year):
+ m = os.path.join(year, month)
+ if isdir(m):
+ months.append(m)
+days = []
+for month in months:
+ year, m = month.split(os.sep)
+ if month not in years:
+ years[year] = {}
+ years[year][m] = days_of_month = []
+ for day in os.listdir(month):
+ d = os.path.join(month, day)
+ if isdir(d):
+ days.append(d)
+ days_of_month.append(d)
+for day in days:
+ for tmpl in glob(os.path.join(day, "*.tmpl")):
+ template = Template(file=tmpl)
+ title_parts = template.Title.split()
+ title = ' '.join(title_parts[6:])
+ lead = getattr(template, "Lead", None)
+ if title:
+ day_parts = day.split(os.sep)
+ blog[tuple(day_parts)] = (title, os.path.basename(tmpl), lead)
+blog_file = open(blog_filename, "wb")
+pickle.dump(blog, blog_file, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
+import locale
+locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
+from calendar import _localized_day, _localized_month
+locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, 'C')
+months_names_en = list(_localized_month('%B'))
+months_abbrs_en = list(_localized_month('%b'))
+locale.setlocale(locale.LC_TIME, '')
+months_names_ru = [month.lower() for month in _localized_month('%B')]
+months_names_ru0 = ['', "������", "�������", "����", "������", "���", "����",
+ "����", "������", "��������", "�������", "������", "�������"
+def write_template(show_year, show_month, year, month, titles, cut=None, show_years=False):
+ index_tmpl = open(os.path.join(year, month, "index.tmpl"), 'w')
+ if show_year:
+ index_tmpl.write("""\
+#extends phd_pp_ru
+#implements respond
+#attr $Title = "Oleg BroytMann's blog"
+#attr $Description = "BroytMann Russian Blog Index Document"
+#attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s
+#def body_html
+""" % {"cyear": year or 2005})
+ elif show_month:
+ index_tmpl.write("""\
+#extends phd_pp_ru
+#implements respond
+#attr $Title = "Oleg BroytMann's blog: %(year)s"
+#attr $Description = "BroytMann Russian Blog %(year)s Index Document"
+#attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s
+#def body_html
+<H1>������: %(year)s</H1>
+""" % {"year": year, "cyear": year or 2005})
+ else:
+ month = int(month)
+ index_tmpl.write("""\
+#extends phd_pp_ru
+#implements respond
+#attr $Title = "Oleg BroytMann's blog: %(month_abbr_en)s %(year)s"
+#attr $Description = "BroytMann Russian Blog %(month_name_en)s %(year)s Index Document"
+#attr $Copyright = %(cyear)s
+#def body_html
+<H1>������: %(month_name_ru0)s %(year)s</H1>
+""" % {
+ "year": year, "cyear": year or 2005,
+ "month_abbr_en": months_abbrs_en[month], "month_name_en": months_names_en[month],
+ "month_name_ru0": months_names_ru0[month],
+ })
+ save_titles = titles[:]
+ titles.reverse()
+ if cut:
+ titles = titles[:cut]
+ save_day = None
+ for key, tmpl, title, lead in titles:
+ year, month, day = key
+ href = []
+ if show_year:
+ href.append(year)
+ if show_month:
+ href.append(month)
+ href.append(day)
+ href.append(tmpl)
+ href = '/'.join(href)
+ if day[0] == '0': day = day[1:]
+ if save_day <> day:
+ if show_year:
+ index_tmpl.write('\n<h2>%s %s %s</h2>' % (day, months_names_ru[int(month)], year))
+ else:
+ index_tmpl.write('\n<h2>%s %s</h2>' % (day, months_names_ru[int(month)]))
+ save_day = day
+ if lead:
+ lead = lead + ' '
+ else:
+ lead = ''
+ index_tmpl.write('''
+<p class="head">
+ %s<a href="%s">%s</a>.
+''' % (lead, href, title))
+ if show_years:
+ years = {}
+ for key, tmpl, title, lead in save_titles:
+ year, month, day = key
+ years[year] = True
+ first_year = True
+ index_tmpl.write('''
+<p class="years">
+ for year in sorted(years.keys()):
+ if first_year:
+ first_year = False
+ else:
+ index_tmpl.write(' - ')
+ index_tmpl.write('<a href="%s/">%s</a>' % (year, year))
+ index_tmpl.write('''
+ index_tmpl.write("""\
+#end def
+ index_tmpl.close()
+def translate(tmpl):
+ if tmpl == "index.tmpl": tmpl = ''
+ if tmpl.endswith(".tmpl"): tmpl = tmpl[:-len("tmpl")] + "html"
+ return tmpl
+all_titles = []
+for key in sorted(blog.keys()):
+ title, tmpl, lead = blog[key]
+ all_titles.append((key, translate(tmpl), title, lead))
+for year in sorted(years.keys()):
+ year_titles = []
+ months = years[year]
+ for month in sorted(months.keys()):
+ month_titles = []
+ for day in sorted(months[month]):
+ day_parts = day.split(os.sep)
+ key = tuple(day_parts)
+ if key in blog:
+ title, tmpl, lead = blog[key]
+ tmpl = translate(tmpl)
+ year_titles.append((key, tmpl, title, lead))
+ month_titles.append((key, tmpl, title, lead))
+ write_template(False, False, year, month, month_titles)
+ write_template(False, True, year, '', year_titles)
+write_template(True, True, '', '', all_titles, 5, True)
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+export LC_TIME
+cd ../htdocs/phd.pp.ru/Russian/blog && \
+exec ../../../../phd.pp.ru/reindex_blog.py ../../../../phd.pp.ru/index_ru "$@"
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+cd ../htdocs && distribute -d phd.pp.ru && ssh oper.med.ru bin/sc && \
+cd "$HOME" && rsync -avPz oper.med.ru:.sitecopy . && exec distribute .sitecopy
--- /dev/null
+#! /bin/sh
+cd ../htdocs && exec distribute -d phd.pp.ru