(http://www.midnight-commander.org/), Python 2.4+ (http://www.python.org/),
module eff_bdecode.py (http://effbot.org/zone/bencode.htm).
-For mc 4.7+ put the script in $HOME/[.local/share/].mc/extfs.d.
+For mc 4.7+ just put the script in $HOME/[.local/share/].mc/extfs.d.
For older versions put it in /usr/[local/][lib|share]/mc/extfs
and add a line "torrent" to the /usr/[local/][lib|share]/mc/extfs/extfs.ini.
Make the script executable.
The script requires Midnight Commander 3.1+
(http://www.midnight-commander.org/), Python 2.4+ (http://www.python.org/).
-For mc 4.7+ put the script in $HOME/[.local/share/].mc/extfs.d.
+For mc 4.7+ just put the script in $HOME/[.local/share/].mc/extfs.d.
For older versions put it in /usr/[local/][lib|share]/mc/extfs
and add a line "xml" to the /usr/[local/][lib|share]/mc/extfs/extfs.ini.
Make the script executable.
For mc 4.7+ run this "cd" command in the Midnight Commander (in the "bindings"
-file the command is "%cd"): cd file/xml://; In older versions it is
+file the command is "%cd"): cd file/xml://; in older versions it is
cd file#xml, where "file" is the name of your XML file.
The VFS represents tags as directories; the directories are numbered to