argument the latter means "use default value for option ``-O`` and
pass ``arg`` further to the option parser". For example, ``git grep``
has an option ``-O`` that passes found files to a program; default
-program for ``-O`` is pager (ususally ``less``), but you can use your
+program for ``-O`` is pager (usually ``less``), but you can use your
$ git grep -Ovim # but not -O vim
grep -Oless`` - in the latter case ``git grep`` passes ``+/pattern``
option to less.
-TODO: bash/zsh completion, bash/zsh prompt.
+bash/zsh completion
+It's a bit hard to type ``git rebase --interactive --preserve-merges
+HEAD~5`` manually even for those who are happy to use command-line,
+and this is where shell completion is of great help. Bash/zsh come
+with programmable completion, often automatically preinstalled and
+enabled, so if you have bash/zsh and git installed, chances are you
+are already done - just go and use it at the command-line.
+If you don't have necessary bits preinstalled, install and enable
+bash_completion package. If you want to upgrade your git completion to
+the latest and greatest download necessary file from `git contrib
+Git-for-windows comes with git-bash, bash completion is installed and
+TODO: bash/zsh prompt.
git on server