The first command fetches commits from the named BRANCH in the REMOTE
repository that are not in your repository and leaves the id (the
-hash) of the head commit in file .git/FETCH_HEAD. But it doesn't
-update any branch (doesn't move any pointer).
+hash) of the head commit in file .git/FETCH_HEAD and
+updates remote-tracking branch.
The second command fetches commits from the named BRANCH in the REMOTE
repository that are not in your repository and updates both the local
$ git pull
+Default remote repository for fetching/pulling is origin. Default set
+of references to fetch is calculated using matching algorithm: git
+fetches all branches having the same name on both ends.
$ git push origin v1 v2
-git guesses (knowing upstream remote branches) that you really want
+git pushes local v1 to remote v1 and local v2 to remote v2. The same
$ git push origin v1:v1 v2:v2
$ git push
+Default remote repository for pushing is origin. Default set
+of references to push in git before 2.0 is calculated using matching
+algorithm: git pushes all branches having the same name on both ends.
+Default set of references to push in git 2.0+ is calculated using
+simple algorithm: git pushes the current branch back to its
+To configure git before 2.0 to the new behaviour run::
+$ git config push.default simple
+To configure git 2.0+ to the old behaviour run::
+$ git config push.default matching
Git refuses to push a branch if it's the current branch in the remote
non-bare repository: git refuses to update remote working directory.
You really should push only to bare repositories. For non-bare