# See https://blog.filippo.io/git-fixup-amending-an-older-commit/
# This is a slightly modified version
- fixup = "!f() { TARGET=$(git rev-parse \"$1\"); git commit --fixup=$TARGET && GIT_EDITOR=true git rebase --interactive --autosquash $TARGET~; }; f"
+ fixup = "!f() { TARGET=$(git rev-parse \"$1\"); git commit --fixup=$TARGET && GIT_EDITOR=true exec git rebase --interactive --autosquash $TARGET~; }; f"
### remote ###
rp = remote prune
- incoming = !git remote update --prune; git log ..@{upstream}
+ incoming = !git remote update --prune; exec git log ..@{upstream}
outgoing = log @{upstream}..
# Push to all remotes
aliases = !"git config --get-regexp 'alias.' | colrm 1 6 | sed 's/ / = /'"
add-alias = "!f() { [ $# = 3 ] && git config $1 alias.\"$2\" \"$3\" && return 0 || echo \"Usage: git add-(local|global)-alias <new alias> <original command>\" >&2 && return 1; }; f"
- add-global-alias = "!git add-alias --global"
- add-local-alias = "!git add-alias --local"
+ add-global-alias = "!exec git add-alias --global"
+ add-local-alias = "!exec git add-alias --local"
tags = tag -n1 --list
grep-all = !"f() { git rev-list --all | xargs git grep \"$@\"; }; f"
# Edit all files of the given type
- edit-cached = !"f() { git ls-files --cached | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- edit-deleted = !"f() { git ls-files --deleted | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- edit-others = !"f() { git ls-files --others | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- edit-ignored = !"f() { git ls-files --ignored | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- edit-killed = !"f() { git ls-files --killed | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- edit-modified = !"f() { git ls-files --modified | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- edit-stage = !"f() { git ls-files --stage | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-cached = !"f() { git ls-files --cached | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-deleted = !"f() { git ls-files --deleted | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-others = !"f() { git ls-files --others | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-ignored = !"f() { git ls-files --ignored | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-killed = !"f() { git ls-files --killed | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-modified = !"f() { git ls-files --modified | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ edit-stage = !"f() { git ls-files --stage | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
# Editing and adding conflicted files: when we get many merge conflicts
# and want to quickly solve them using an editor, then add the files.
- edit-unmerged = !"f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
- add-unmerged = !"f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; git add `f`"
+ edit-unmerged = !"f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; exec `git var GIT_EDITOR` `f`"
+ add-unmerged = !"f() { git ls-files --unmerged | cut -f2 | sort -u ; }; exec git add `f`"
# Get the current branch name
branch-name = rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD
lr5 = log --decorate --reverse -5
null-merge = merge --strategy=ours
rbi123 = "!f() { exec git rebase --interactive $1 $2 ${3:-\"@{upstream\\}\"}; }; f"
- rbi = !git rbi123 '' ''
- rbia = !git rbi123 --autosquash ''
- rbiap = !git rbi123 --autosquash --preserve-merges
- rbip = !git rbi123 '' --preserve-merges
+ rbi = !exec git rbi123 '' ''
+ rbia = !exec git rbi123 --autosquash ''
+ rbiap = !exec git rbi123 --autosquash --preserve-merges
+ rbip = !exec git rbi123 '' --preserve-merges
remotes = remote --verbose
- #root = !pwd
+ #root = !exec pwd
root = rev-parse --show-toplevel
st = status --short
stb = status --short --branch