set t_Sb="\e[4%dm"
+ " KP_Up -> Up
+ map <Esc>Ox <Esc>OA
+ map! <Esc>Ox <Esc>OA
+ " KP_Down -> Down
+ map <Esc>Or <Esc>OB
+ map! <Esc>Or <Esc>OB
+ " KP_Right -> Right
+ map <Esc>Ov <Esc>OC
+ map! <Esc>Ov <Esc>OC
+ " KP_Left -> Left
+ map <Esc>Ot <Esc>OD
+ map! <Esc>Ot <Esc>OD
+ " KP_Home -> Home
+ map <Esc>Ow <Esc>[7~
+ map! <Esc>Ow <Esc>[7~
+ " KP_End -> End
+ map <Esc>Oq <Esc>[8~
+ map! <Esc>Oq <Esc>[8~
+ " KP_Prev (PgDn) and KP_Next (PgUp) work fine, no mapping is required
" 'autoselect' to always put selected text on the clipboard;
" 'unnamed' to use the * register like unnamed register '*'
" for all yank, delete and put operations;