--- /dev/null
+# From http://slobin.pp.ru/vim/_vimrc.html
+# Adapted to python3 by Oleg Broytman <phd@phdru.name>
+import sys, rlcompleter, unicodedata, vim
+from itertools import *
+vim_complete = rlcompleter.Completer().complete
+def vim_comp_list():
+ """Implementation of CompList() function"""
+ arglead = vim.eval("a:ArgLead")
+ fence = int(vim.eval("match(a:ArgLead, '\(\w\|\.\)*$')"))
+ left, right = arglead[:fence], arglead[fence:]
+ try:
+ completions = (vim_complete(right, i) for i in count())
+ candidates = list(takewhile(bool, completions))
+ except NameError:
+ candidates = []
+ suggestions = [left + x for x in candidates]
+ vim.command("return " + repr(suggestions))
+def vim_calc(command):
+ """Implementation of :Calc command"""
+ global _
+ try:
+ result = eval(command)
+ except SyntaxError:
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ exec(command in globals(), locals())
+ else:
+ exec(command, globals(), locals())
+ else:
+ if result != None:
+ print(result)
+ _ = result
+ xx = ''.join('\\x%02x' % ord(x) for x in str(_))
+ vim.command('let @" = "%s"' % xx)
+def vim_pydo(command):
+ """Implementation of :Pydo command"""
+ codeobj = compile(command, "command", "eval")
+ line1 = vim.current.range.start
+ line2 = vim.current.range.end
+ delta = 0
+ for numz in range(line1, line2+1):
+ line = vim.current.buffer[numz-delta]
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ uline = unicode(line, vim.eval('&fileencoding'))
+ else:
+ uline = line
+ num = numz + 1
+ words = line.split()
+ result = eval(codeobj, globals(), locals())
+ if result is None or result is False:
+ del vim.current.buffer[numz-delta]
+ delta += 1
+ continue
+ if isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, tuple):
+ result = " ".join(map(str, result))
+ else:
+ result = str(result)
+ vim.current.buffer[numz-delta] = result
+def vim_unicode_name():
+ try:
+ char = vim.eval("matchstr(getline('.'), '.', col('.') - 1)")
+ if sys.version_info[0] == 2:
+ print(unicodedata.name(char.decode(vim.eval("&encoding"))))
+ else:
+ print(unicodedata.name(char))
+ except (AttributeError, ValueError) as target:
+ print("%s: %s" % (target.__class__.__name__, target))
if has("python")
-python << END_OF_PYTHON
-import sys, os
-virtualenv_dir = os.environ.get('VIRTUAL_ENV')
-if virtualenv_dir:
- sys.path.insert(0, virtualenv_dir)
- activate_this = os.path.join(virtualenv_dir, 'bin', 'activate_this.py')
- execfile(activate_this, dict(__file__=activate_this))
+pyfile ~/.vim/python/virtualenv.py
+if has("python3")
+py3file ~/.vim/python/virtualenv.py
if has("python")
-python << END_OF_PYTHON
-import sys, rlcompleter, unicodedata, vim
-from itertools import *
-vim_complete = rlcompleter.Completer().complete
-def vim_comp_list():
- """Implementation of CompList() function"""
- arglead = vim.eval("a:ArgLead")
- fence = int(vim.eval("match(a:ArgLead, '\(\w\|\.\)*$')"))
- left, right = arglead[:fence], arglead[fence:]
- try:
- completions = (vim_complete(right, i) for i in count())
- candidates = list(takewhile(bool, completions))
- except NameError:
- candidates = []
- suggestions = [left + x for x in candidates]
- vim.command("return " + repr(suggestions))
-def vim_calc(command):
- """Implementation of :Calc command"""
- global _
- try:
- result = eval(command)
- except SyntaxError:
- exec command in globals()
- else:
- if result != None:
- print result
- _ = result
- xx = ''.join('\\x%02x' % ord(x) for x in str(_))
- vim.command('let @" = "%s"' % xx)
-def vim_pydo(command):
- """Implementation of :Pydo command"""
- codeobj = compile(command, "command", "eval")
- line1 = vim.current.range.start
- line2 = vim.current.range.end
- delta = 0
- for numz in range(line1, line2+1):
- line = vim.current.buffer[numz-delta]
- uline = unicode(line, vim.eval('&fileencoding'))
- num = numz + 1
- words = line.split()
- result = eval(codeobj, globals(), locals())
- if result is None or result is False:
- del vim.current.buffer[numz-delta]
- delta += 1
- continue
- if isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, tuple):
- result = " ".join(map(str, result))
- else:
- result = str(result)
- vim.current.buffer[numz-delta] = result
-def vim_unicode_name():
- try:
- char = vim.eval("matchstr(getline('.'), '.', col('.') - 1)")
- print map(unicodedata.name, char.decode(vim.eval("&encoding")))
- except (AttributeError, ValueError), target:
- print "%s: %s" % (target.__class__.__name__, target.message)
+pyfile ~/.vim/python/completion.py
" Custom completion for python expressions
function! CompList(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
" Display unicode name for the character under cursor
command! Uname python vim_unicode_name()
-command! UName call Uname()
+if has("python3")
+py3file ~/.vim/python/completion.py
+" Custom completion for python expressions
+function! CompList(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos)
+ python3 vim_comp_list()
+" Python command line calculator
+command! -nargs=+ -range -complete=customlist,CompList Calc
+ \ <line1>,<line2> python3 vim_calc(<q-args>)
+" Python text range filter
+command! -nargs=+ -range -complete=customlist,CompList Pydo
+ \ <line1>,<line2> python3 vim_pydo(<q-args>)
+" Display unicode name for the character under cursor
+command! Uname python3 vim_unicode_name()
+if has("python") || has("python3")
+command! UName Uname
" ----------