ZIP=%{Enter zip name}
exec "$ZIP" %s
-+ t r & f \.tar\.bz2$
-u Extract from tar-bzip2
- exec bzip2 -cd %f | tar xpvf -
++ f \.tar\.bz2$ | f \.tar\.gz$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.tar\.lz$ | f \.tar\.lzma$ | f \.(zip|ZIP)$ | f \.(rar|RAR)$ | f \.7z$ | f \.xz$ & t r
+n Create a directory for this archive
+ case %f in
+ *.tar.bz2) D="`basename %f .tar.bz2`";;
+ *.tar.gz) D="`basename %f .tar.gz`";;
+ *.tgz) D="`basename %f .tgz`";;
+ *.tar.lz) D="`basename %f .tar.lz`";;
+ *.tar.lzma) D="`basename %f .tar.lzma`";;
+ *.zip) D="`basename %f .zip`";;
+ *.ZIP) D="`basename %f .ZIP`";;
+ *.rar) D="`basename %f .rar`";;
+ *.RAR) D="`basename %f .RAR`";;
+ *.7z) D="`basename %f .7z`";;
+ *.xz) D="`basename %f .xz`";;
+ esac
+ exec mkdir "$D"
+ F \.tar\.bz2$ | F \.tar\.gz$ | F \.tgz$ | F \.tar\.lz$ | F \.tar\.lzma$ | F \.(zip|ZIP)$ | F \.(rar|RAR)$ | F \.7z$ | F \.xz$ & T r
N Create a directory for the other archive
case %D/%F in
exec mkdir "$D"
-+ f \.tar\.gz$ | f \.tgz$ & t r
-u Extract from tar-gzip
- exec gzip -cd %f | tar xpvf -
++ f \.tar\.gz$ | f \.tar\.z$ | f \.tgz$ | f \.tpz$ | f \.tar\.lz$ | f \.tar\.lzma$ | f \.tar\.7z$ | f \.tar\.xz$ | f \.tar\.Z$ | f \.tar\.bz2$ & t r
+x Extract the contents of a compressed tar file
+ unset PRG
+ case %f in
+ *.tar.bz2)
+ PRG="bunzip2 -c"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.gz|*.tar.z|*.tgz|*.tpz|*.tar.Z)
+ PRG="gzip -dc"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.lz)
+ PRG="lzip -dc"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.lzma)
+ PRG="lzma -dc"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.7z)
+ PRG="7za e -so"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.xz)
+ PRG="xz -dc"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $PRG %f | tar xvf -
++ F \.tar\.gz$ | F \.tar\.z$ | F \.tgz$ | F \.tpz$ | F \.tar\.lz$ | F \.tar\.lzma$ | F \.tar\.7z$ | F \.tar\.xz$ | F \.tar\.Z$ | F \.tar\.bz2$ & t r
+X Extract the contents of an other compressed tar file
+ unset PRG
+ case %F in
+ *.tar.bz2)
+ PRG="bunzip2 -c"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.gz|*.tar.z|*.tgz|*.tpz|*.tar.Z)
+ PRG="gzip -dc"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.lz)
+ PRG="lzip -dc"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.lzma)
+ PRG="lzma -dc"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.7z)
+ PRG="7za e -so"
+ ;;
+ *.tar.xz)
+ PRG="xz -dc"
+ ;;
+ *)
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
+ $PRG %D/%F | tar xvf -
+ t r & f \.tar$
u Extract from tar
y Extract from zip with recoded filenames
exec %f
-+ t r & f \.7z$
-u Extract from 7zip
- exec 7zr x %f
+ t r & f \.(rar|RAR)$
u Extract from rar
exec unrar x -y %f
-+ t r & f \.tar\.xz$
-u Extract from tar-xz
- exec xz -cd %f | tar xpvf -
-+ T r & F \.tar\.bz2$
-U Extract from the other tar-bzip2
- exec bzip2 -cd %D/%F | tar xpvf -
-+ F \.tar\.gz$ | F \.tgz$ & T r
-U Extract from the other tar-gzip
- exec gzip -cd %D/%F | tar xpvf -
+ T r & F \.tar$
-U Extract from the other tar
+u Extract from other tar
exec tar xpvf %D/%F
+ T r & F \.(zip|ZIP)$
-U Extract from the other zip
+u Extract from other zip
exec unzip %D/%F
+ T r & F \.(zip|ZIP)$
-Y Extract from the other zip with recoded filenames
+y Extract from other zip with recoded filenames
exec %D/%F
+ T r & F \.(rar|RAR)$
-U Extract from the other rar
+u Extract from other rar
exec unrar x -y %D/%F
-+ T r & F \.7z$
-U Extract from 7zip
- exec 7zr x %D/%F
-+ T r & F \.tar\.xz$
-U Extract from tar-xz
- exec xz -cd %D/%F | tar xpvf -
+ t r
v View via mailcap
exec see %f