--- /dev/null
+# coding: utf-8
+import wx, wx.adv # noqa: E401 multiple imports on one line
+from ..__version__ import __version__
+from .session_config import get_session_config
+class AWindow(wx.Frame):
+ '''
+ A universal parent class for all top-level application windows
+ Standard menu and ability to save/restore window size.
+ '''
+ # Subclasses should override these
+ session_config_section_name = None
+ window_title = None
+ def __init__(self, parent=None):
+ if self.session_config_section_name:
+ session_config = get_session_config()
+ width = session_config.getint(
+ self.session_config_section_name, 'width', 600)
+ height = session_config.getint(
+ self.session_config_section_name, 'height', 400)
+ else:
+ width = 600
+ height = 400
+ wx.Frame.__init__(
+ self,
+ parent=parent, id=-1, title=self.window_title,
+ size=wx.Size(width=width, height=height),
+ )
+ self.OnInit()
+ self.Show(True)
+ def OnInit(self):
+ self.InitMenu()
+ if self.session_config_section_name:
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
+ def InitMenu(self):
+ MenuBar = wx.MenuBar()
+ self.SetMenuBar(MenuBar)
+ file_menu = wx.Menu()
+ exit = file_menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, u"&Выход", u"Выйти из программы")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, exit)
+ MenuBar.Append(file_menu, u"&Файл")
+ about_menu = wx.Menu()
+ about = about_menu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT,
+ u"&О m_Librarian", u"О m_Librarian")
+ self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, about)
+ MenuBar.Append(about_menu, u"&О программе")
+ def OnQuit(self, event):
+ self.Close(True)
+ def OnAbout(self, event):
+ aboutInfo = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo()
+ aboutInfo.SetName(u'm_Librarian')
+ aboutInfo.SetVersion(__version__)
+ aboutInfo.SetDescription(
+ u'Библиотекарь для библиотек LibRusEc/Flibusta')
+ aboutInfo.AddDeveloper(u'Олег Бройтман')
+ aboutInfo.SetWebSite(
+ u'https://phdru.name/Software/Python/m_librarian/')
+ aboutInfo.SetCopyright(u'(C) 2023, 2024 Олег Бройтман')
+ aboutInfo.SetLicense(u'GPL')
+ wx.adv.AboutBox(aboutInfo)
+ def OnSize(self, event):
+ """Save window size in the session config"""
+ if self.session_config_section_name:
+ size = event.GetSize()
+ session_config = get_session_config()
+ session_config.set(
+ self.session_config_section_name, 'width', str(size.width))
+ session_config.set(
+ self.session_config_section_name, 'height', str(size.height))
+ session_config.save()
+ event.Skip() # Call other handlers
-# coding: utf-8
-import wx, wx.adv # noqa: E401 multiple imports on one line
-from ..__version__ import __version__
+import wx
+from .AWindow import AWindow
from .SearchPanel import SearchPanel
-from .session_config import get_session_config
-class MainWindow(wx.Frame):
- def __init__(self):
- session_config = get_session_config()
- width = session_config.getint('main_window', 'width', 600)
- height = session_config.getint('main_window', 'height', 400)
- super(wx.Frame, self).__init__(
- parent=None, id=-1, title=u"m_Librarian",
- size=wx.Size(width=width, height=height),
- )
- self.InitMenu()
- self.search_panel = search_panel = SearchPanel(self)
- self.Show(True)
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_SIZE, self.OnSize)
- def InitMenu(self):
- MenuBar = wx.MenuBar()
- self.SetMenuBar(MenuBar)
- file_menu = wx.Menu()
- exit = file_menu.Append(wx.ID_EXIT, u"&Выход", u"Выйти из программы")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnQuit, exit)
- MenuBar.Append(file_menu, u"&Файл")
+class MainWindow(AWindow):
- about_menu = wx.Menu()
- about = about_menu.Append(wx.ID_ABOUT,
- u"&О m_Librarian", u"О m_Librarian")
- self.Bind(wx.EVT_MENU, self.OnAbout, about)
- MenuBar.Append(about_menu, u"&О программе")
+ session_config_section_name = 'main_window'
+ window_title = u"m_Librarian"
- def OnQuit(self, event):
- self.Close(True)
- def OnAbout(self, event):
- aboutInfo = wx.adv.AboutDialogInfo()
- aboutInfo.SetName(u'm_Librarian')
- aboutInfo.SetVersion(__version__)
- aboutInfo.SetDescription(
- u'Библиотекарь для библиотек LibRusEc/Flibusta')
- aboutInfo.AddDeveloper(u'Олег Бройтман')
- aboutInfo.SetWebSite(
- u'https://phdru.name/Software/Python/m_librarian/')
- aboutInfo.SetCopyright(u'(C) 2023, 2024 Олег Бройтман')
- aboutInfo.SetLicense(u'GPL')
- wx.adv.AboutBox(aboutInfo)
- def OnSize(self, event):
- """Save window size in the session config"""
- size = event.GetSize()
- session_config = get_session_config()
- session_config.set('main_window', 'width', str(size.width))
- session_config.set('main_window', 'height', str(size.height))
- session_config.save()
- event.Skip() # Call other handlers
+ def OnInit(self):
+ AWindow.OnInit(self)
+ self.search_panel = SearchPanel(self)
class Application(wx.App):