# default, doesn't necessarily have to be the same type used
# natively by the editor/renderer if they know how to convert.
def GetTypeName(self, row, col):
- return wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_STRING
+ if col == 0:
+ return wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_BOOL
+ else:
+ return wx.grid.GRID_VALUE_STRING
+ # Called to determine how the data can be fetched and stored by the
+ # editor and renderer. This allows you to enforce some type-safety
+ # in the grid.
+ def CanGetValueAs(self, row, col, typeName):
+ colType = self.GetTypeName(row, col)
+ if typeName == colType:
+ return True
+ else:
+ return False
+ def CanSetValueAs(self, row, col, typeName):
+ return self.CanGetValueAs(row, col, typeName)
class ListBooksPanel(GridPanel):
def InitGrid(self):
books_by_author = self.param['books_by_author']
columns = self.param['columns']
+ columns.insert(0, u'Выбрать')
total_rows = 0
for author in books_by_author:
books = books_by_author[author]
for col, col_name in enumerate(columns):
- if col_name in ('ser_no', 'size'):
+ if col == 0:
+ cell_attr = wx.grid.GridCellAttr()
+ cell_attr.SetAlignment(wx.ALIGN_CENTRE, wx. ALIGN_CENTRE)
+ grid.SetColAttr(col, cell_attr)
+ elif col_name in ('ser_no', 'size'):
cell_attr = wx.grid.GridCellAttr()
cell_attr.SetAlignment(wx.ALIGN_RIGHT, wx. ALIGN_CENTRE)
grid.SetColAttr(col, cell_attr)
row = 0
for author in sorted(books_by_author):
- grid.SetCellAlignment(row, 0, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx. ALIGN_CENTRE)
- grid.SetCellSize(row, 0, 1, len(columns))
- grid.SetCellValue(row, 0, u'%s' % (author,))
+ grid.SetCellAlignment(row, 1, wx.ALIGN_LEFT, wx. ALIGN_CENTRE)
+ grid.SetCellSize(row, 1, 1, len(columns)-1)
+ grid.SetCellValue(row, 1, u'%s' % (author,))
row += 1
books = books_by_author[author]
series = None
value = book.series
value = u'Вне серий'
- grid.SetCellAlignment(row, 0,
+ grid.SetCellAlignment(row, 1,
- grid.SetCellSize(row, 0, 1, len(columns))
- grid.SetCellValue(row, 0,
+ grid.SetCellSize(row, 1, 1, len(columns)-1)
+ grid.SetCellValue(row, 1,
u'%s — %s' % (book.author1, value))
row += 1
series = book.series
- for col, col_name in enumerate(columns):
+ for col, col_name in enumerate(columns[1:]):
value = getattr(book, col_name)
if value is None:
value = u''
elif not isinstance(value, (string_type, unicode_type)):
value = str(value)
- grid.SetCellValue(row, col, value)
+ grid.SetCellValue(row, col+1, value)
row += 1