]> git.phdru.name Git - ppu.git/shortlog
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanAdd installation instructions
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanRemove empty directories
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanRefactor tests: allow assert_files(one_file_name)
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanRename _test_files => assert_files
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanRename test_rof.py -> test_remove_old_files.py
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanTODO: Add options to include/exclude files
2017-04-16 Oleg BroytmanAdd README.html
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanExtend tests: add newer files that aren't deleted
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanInitial release at 2017-04-16 0.0.1
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanPre-alpha release
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanInclude tox.ini into sdist
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanInitial docs
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanTODO: Add option -v/--verbose to report every removed...
2017-04-15 Oleg Broytman[Makefile] make docs
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanFix sdist and git alias
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanTODO: Remove empty directories
2017-04-15 Oleg Broytman[.gitignore] Fix egg-info name
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanAdd tests
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanAdd remove-old-files.py - the main script in the package
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanPython: 2.6, 2.7 and 3.3+
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanFix setup.py
2017-04-15 Oleg BroytmanInitial commit - created the project