]> git.phdru.name Git - phdru.name/cgi-bin/blog-ru/search-tags.git/shortlog
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(parser): Improve grammar: do not allow trailin...
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanFeat(parser): Операторы И, ИЛИ, НЕ
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Add `Makefile` to manage a virtual env
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanTests: Update tests
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat(parser): Allow uppercase Latin letters and Russian...
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat(Python3): Use `html.escape()`
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat(Python3): Rename `html` to `html_output`
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat(Python3): Use `mycgi`
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanPython 3
2024-06-04 Oleg BroytmanTests: Update to latest `lark`
2019-07-12 Oleg BroytmanDocs(TODO): Try Pyleri
2018-05-25 Oleg BroytmanUpgrade: http://phdru.name -> https://phdru.name
2017-12-14 Oleg Broytmanversion: 0.7
2017-12-14 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.7: Use lark instead of parsley lark v0.7
2017-05-20 Oleg BroytmanUse parsley: done
2017-05-20 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.6: Use parsley instead of parsimonious parsley v0.6
2017-04-30 Oleg BroytmanMinor change in README
2017-04-29 Oleg BroytmanMove get-commit-message.vim and mk-git-aliases to devsc...
2017-04-28 Oleg BroytmanMove README.html to gitweb/
2017-04-21 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.5: Use parsimonious instead of grako parsimonious v0.5
2017-04-21 Oleg BroytmanUse parsimonious instead of grako
2017-04-21 Oleg BroytmanRemove generated html/redirect.py
2016-10-08 Oleg BroytmanTODO: use parsimonious or parsley instead of grako
2016-09-03 Oleg BroytmanUpdate get-commit-message.vim
2016-07-12 Oleg BroytmanAdd a few simple non-automatic tests
2016-07-11 Oleg BroytmanFix negative lookahead in grammar syntax
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.4: use grako instead of PLY v0.4
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanAdd git aliases to commit/tag with a message from ChangeLog
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanGrako-based parser seems to be working fine
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanChange grammar to support priority of operation
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanCompile the parser to byte-code
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanThis will be version 0.4
2016-07-10 Oleg BroytmanUse new grako-based parser
2016-07-09 Oleg BroytmanUse grako instead of PLY to compile EBNF to Python
2016-07-09 Oleg BroytmanHTML-escape expression in the output (to quote &)
2016-07-09 Oleg BroytmanFactor out parser.parse() into self._parse
2016-07-09 Oleg BroytmanTODO: HTML-escape expression in the output (to quote &)
2016-07-09 Oleg BroytmanTODO: use grako instead of PLY
2016-06-26 Oleg BroytmanUpdate TODO: group/sort posts by date or tags
2015-11-27 Oleg BroytmanAdd README
2015-06-11 Oleg BroytmanRemove update
2015-06-05 Oleg BroytmanRefactor update script
2015-06-05 Oleg BroytmanClear TODO
2014-07-25 Oleg BroytmanUpdate version
2014-06-22 Oleg Broytmanchmod -R a+rX cgi-bin
2014-06-22 Oleg BroytmanCopy files generated by yacc to cgi-bin
2014-06-22 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.3 v0.3
2014-06-22 Oleg BroytmanAllow 'NOT ' and 'not '
2014-06-22 Oleg BroytmanFix handling of uppercase AND/OR
2014-06-22 Oleg BroytmanReorder handling: AND - OR - NOT
2014-06-22 Oleg BroytmanAllow ' OR ' and ' or '
2014-06-21 Oleg BroytmanAllow ' AND ' and ' and '
2014-06-21 Oleg BroytmanChange handling of spaces
2014-06-21 Oleg BroytmanExtend the comment
2014-06-21 Oleg BroytmanIgnore parser.out and parsetab.py in parser/ subdir
2014-06-21 Oleg BroytmanAllow '||'
2014-06-21 Oleg BroytmanAllow '&&'
2014-06-20 Oleg BroytmanTODO: lowercase operators
2014-06-06 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.2: allow spaces v0.2
2014-06-06 Oleg BroytmanTODO: NOT
2014-06-06 Oleg BroytmanForce spaces in AND/OR
2014-06-06 Oleg BroytmanRemove excessive .gitignore
2014-06-06 Oleg BroytmanIgnore spaces
2014-06-06 Oleg BroytmanProcess expression in parentheses
2014-05-25 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.1 v0.1
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanFix a bug: do not override title
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanChange list implementation from <br> to <ul>
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanReturn y/m/d
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanThis directory is specifically for searching tags
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanCopy generated files and compile bytecode files in cgi
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanGet cgi from origin before cd'ing to current
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanFix paths
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanFix a bug: pull from origin because cgi isn't bare
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanPush to cgi-bin
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanSort in reverse chronological order
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanFix paths
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanAdd docstrings
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanRename calc_tree to find_tags
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanSave files generated by yacc
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanFix comment
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanProcess tree (parsed expression)
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanСообщать, что тег не найден, по-русски
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanProcess single tag
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanCopy <title/> to <h1/>
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanRemove and ignore *.py files generated from templates
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanParse the query and report lexer errors
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanAllow 1-character names
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanMove parser-related code and tests to parser/
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanReport error if required parameter 'q' is missing
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanMove http/html-related code to html subdirectory
2014-05-20 Oleg BroytmanAllow the script to be run only in the origin directory
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd TODO
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd ChangeLog: version 0.1
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd search-tags.py
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd search_tags.tmpl (CheetahTemplate)
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd parser
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd lexer
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanIgnore python bytecode files
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd update script
2014-05-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd README.html (for gitweb)