]> git.phdru.name Git - m_librarian.git/shortlog
2023-12-28 Oleg BroytmanDocs(README): 2023
2023-12-17 Oleg BroytmanStyle(web/app): Use relative import
2023-12-14 Oleg BroytmanChore(scripts): Improve argparser's descriptions
2023-12-14 Oleg BroytmanBuild(setup.cfg): Remove `validators.py`
2023-10-18 Oleg BroytmanTests,CI: Python 3.12
2023-10-18 Oleg BroytmanDocs(news): Add forgotten release date
2023-09-17 Oleg BroytmanDocs(news): Fix backticks
2023-09-17 Oleg BroytmanCI(pip): Ensure `pip` only if needed 0.2.0.post2
2023-09-17 Oleg BroytmanDocs(news): Add forgotten release date
2023-07-13 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.2.0.post1: Install everything from `conda` 0.2.0.post1
2023-07-13 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Install all Python and PyPy versions...
2023-03-01 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Fix dependency
2022-12-24 Oleg Broytman2022-12-24: Release 0.2.0
2022-12-24 Oleg BroytmanBuild(Makefile): Run `devscripts/release`
2022-12-24 Oleg BroytmanBuild(Makefile): Do not run tests on release
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanDoc(README): Исправлен пропущенный разделитель слов
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web/views/list_books): Toggle checkboxes for all...
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web/views/list_books): Toggle checkboxes for an...
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web/views/list_books): Toggle checkboxes for series
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanStyle(app): Rename `id`
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web/views/list_books): Group check boxes
2022-12-17 Oleg BroytmanFix(web/views/list_books): Fix a bug in series naming
2022-12-15 Oleg BroytmanTests(tox): Limit "tox < 4"
2022-12-07 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Set `$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`
2022-12-07 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Use `conda` to install older Pythons
2022-10-30 Oleg BroytmanDocs: Year 2022
2022-10-27 Oleg BroytmanTests, CI: Run tests with Python 3.11
2022-10-25 Oleg BroytmanTests(tox): Remove `basepython`
2022-09-21 Oleg BroytmanBuild(devscripts/release): Disable progress bar for...
2022-09-20 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): fail fast, use `setup-python@v4`, `cache@v3`
2022-09-19 Oleg BroytmanBuild(setup.py): Python 3.9, 3.10
2022-09-19 Oleg BroytmanChore: Remove overlooked coverage leftovers
2022-09-18 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Show `tox`/`pytest` version
2022-09-18 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Python 3.10
2021-09-24 Oleg BroytmanRelease 0.1.6 0.1.6
2021-09-23 Oleg BroytmanCI: The hack with `validators.py` is no longer required
2021-09-23 Oleg BroytmanCI: `run_with_env.cmd` is no longer required
2021-09-23 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Group tasks
2021-09-16 Oleg BroytmanCI: Stop testing at AppVeyor
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanCI(AppVeyor): Remove `clone_depth`
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Come back to `tox`
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): fail no so fast
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Come back to `pip`
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanMerge branch 'github-actions'
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanTests(tox): Stop collecting coverage
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanTests(tox): Use `%TEMP%` for sqlite on w32
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanCI(GHActions): Run selected environments
2021-08-30 Oleg BroytmanCI: Migrate from Travis CI to Github Actions
2021-07-25 Oleg BroytmanTests(tox): Limit `pip` and `setuptools` versions for...
2021-07-25 Oleg BroytmanTests(tox): Limit `VIRTUALENV_PIP` version for Python 3.4
2021-03-05 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web): Use signgle template `list_books`
2021-02-21 Oleg BroytmanFix(scripts/ml-search.py): Change error message
2021-02-21 Oleg BroytmanFeat: Order books by date descending
2021-01-06 Oleg BroytmanDoc(README): Fix copyright year
2021-01-06 Oleg BroytmanTest(tox): Refactor `tox.ini`: combine environments
2021-01-01 Oleg BroytmanTest,CI: Run tests with Python 3.9
2021-01-01 Oleg BroytmanTest(tox): Do not restore `validators.py`
2020-12-24 Oleg BroytmanFix(translations): Fix importing from `translations`
2020-12-23 Oleg BroytmanFeat(m_librarian/web/views/layout.tmpl): Add link to...
2020-12-22 Oleg BroytmanFix(m_librarian/web/views/Makefile): `compile` -> ...
2020-05-06 Oleg BroytmanCI: pip<21 for Python 2.7
2020-02-28 Oleg BroytmanLimit `setuptools<44` for Python 2.7
2020-02-27 Oleg BroytmanTests: Run tests with Python 3.8
2020-02-25 Oleg BroytmanCI(Travis): Set default OS to `linux`, dist to `xenial`
2020-02-25 Oleg BroytmanDocs: Install using `pip install`
2019-09-05 Oleg BroytmanCI(AppVeyor): Move `validators.py` -> `devscripts/CI/`
2019-05-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat: Store lock file in a shared directory
2019-03-27 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Fix package data
2019-02-25 Oleg BroytmanCI: Remove branch limitations
2019-02-25 Oleg BroytmanDocs,tests: Limit Sphinx and pytest versions for Python...
2019-02-18 Oleg BroytmanStyle(setup): Fix flake8 F821 undefined name `execfile...
2019-02-18 Oleg BroytmanBuild(setup): Use exec[file] to get version from __vers...
2019-02-07 Oleg BroytmanCI(travis): remove deprecated `sudo` keyword
2019-02-07 Oleg BroytmanBuild(setup.py): Use `importlib` instead of deprecated...
2019-02-04 Oleg BroytmanCI: Require pip < 19.1 for Python 2.7 and 3.4
2019-02-02 Oleg BroytmanBuild(release): Skip exiting files at PyPI
2019-02-01 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.1.5: Python 3.7 0.1.5
2019-01-31 Oleg BroytmanCI(AppVeyor): Work around a strange problem with Py3.7
2019-01-31 Oleg BroytmanTests: Require tox < 3.1 to avoid basepython conflicts
2019-01-31 Oleg BroytmanTests: Require pytest < 5.0 for Python 2.7
2019-01-31 Oleg BroytmanPython 3.7
2018-08-21 Oleg BroytmanBuild(release): Stop releasing eggs
2018-07-05 Oleg BroytmanBuild, Tests(tox): Python 3.7
2018-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFix(web): Replace compyle with `python -m compile`
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFix(web): Выровнять вправо размер книги
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanVersion 0.1.4 0.1.4
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat(db): Add book.lang/ext properties
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat(db): Add book.genre_list_* properties
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat(db): Add book.author_list property
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat(db): Add book.author1 property
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFix(web): Draw vertical lines between column
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFix(web): Выровнять числа вправо
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web): В таблицах авторов и книг добавить заголовки...
2018-06-11 Oleg BroytmanRename sample/m_librarian.conf -> m_librarian.conf...
2018-06-10 Oleg BroytmanFix(download:format): Fix compile_format
2018-06-10 Oleg BroytmanFeat(web): Configure columns for author and book tables
2018-06-10 Oleg BroytmanFeat(config): getlist
2018-06-10 Oleg BroytmanFeat(config): Environment variables are expanded in...
2018-06-10 Oleg BroytmanFeat(config): Warp config to provide default value
2018-06-10 Oleg BroytmanDocs: Update TODO