#! /bin/sh # Check bookmarks # # Convert bookmarks to DB, check URLS from the DB and convert DB # to different formats and back to bookmarks. # # This file is a part of Bookmarks database and Internet robot. # # __author__ = "Oleg Broytman " # __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2000-2023 PhiloSoft Design" # __license__ = "GNU GPL" . "`dirname \"$0\"`"/set-path ln -s "$HOME"/Desktop/bookmarks-*.json bookmarks_db.json && BKMK_STORAGE=json convert_st.py pickle && rm bookmarks_db.json && check_urls.py && echo '' && check_urls.py -e && # Report results BKMK_WRITER=flad db2bkmk.py && check_dups.py -s -l bookmarks.err >/dev/null && check_title.py -s -l check_title.txt && check_redirects.py -s -l check_redirects.txt && bkmk-sort && # Write results to the bookmarks files convert_st.py json && exec db2bkmk.py