[alias] b = branch checkin = commit ci = commit co = checkout l1 = log --oneline l5 = log -5 lb = log --decorate --graph --stat --pretty=beautiful lb5 = log --decorate --graph --stat --pretty=beautiful -5 st = status -s [pretty] beautiful = format:%Cblue%h%Creset (%ar - %Cgreen%aN <%aE>%Creset)%n%B%n [color] ui = auto # Adapted from http://shallowsky.com/blog/programming/gitcolors.html # and http://www.ansdb.com/649-git-colors-for-light-background [color "branch"] # -- default -- # current = green # local = normal # plain = normal # remote = magenta # -- light bg -- current = blue local = normal plain = normal remote = magenta upstream = normal [color "diff"] # -- default -- # commit = yellow # frag = cyan # meta = cyan # new = green # old = magenta # plain = normal # whitespace = normal red # -- light bg -- commit = normal bold frag = cyan meta = bold new = blue old = magenta plain = normal whitespace = normal red #[color "grep"] # -- default -- # match = normal [color "decorate"] # -- light bg -- HEAD = blue tag = blue #[color "interactive"] # -- default -- # error = normal # header = normal # help = normal # prompt = normal [color "status"] # -- default -- # added = cyan # changed = magenta # header = normal # nobranch = red # untracked = red # updated = green # -- light bg -- added = blue changed = blue header = normal nobranch = red untracked = red updated = magenta [core] pager = less -FRSXgimq [merge] tool = vimdiff #[mergetool "vimdiff3"] # Don't forget to add -f for gvim # 3 way diffs # cmd = vim -d \"$MERGED\" \"$LOCAL\" \"$BASE\" \"$REMOTE\" -c \"wincmd J\" [receive] denyNonFastForwards = true [web] browser = webbrowser [browser "webbrowser"] cmd = webbrowser -n [gui] fontui = -family \"DejaVu Sans\" -size 18 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0 fontdiff = -family \"DejaVu Sans Mono\" -size 18 -weight normal -slant roman -underline 0 -overstrike 0