if exists("b:did_ftplugin") finish endif if has("iconv") && !exists('b:encoding_set') " Try to recognize the file encoding and convert the file if search('^Content-Type: text/\(plain\|html\);\n\?\( \|\t\)\+charset=', 'bew') > 0 let line = getline(".") let encoding = matchlist(line, 'charset="\?\(\(\w\|-\)\+\)')[1] call SetupEncoding(encoding) endif endif setlocal textwidth=72 " SpamCop reports - goto the 9th line and start a browser nmap z 9G3,b " Remove my signature from a forwarded message nmap \f 2GddG4k5ddkdd " Remove boilerplate from a forwarded message from Trac nmap \t 1G21ddG15k11dd:%s/^+//:%s/^ \*/--/1G