" User configuration file for Vi IMproved. " " vim 6.0+ required, 7.0+ recommended. " 1 important " Remove ALL autocommands in case the file is sourced for the second time autocmd! language messages C " Print messages in English if exists("b:wrap") " Only do this on the second and subsequent :source's let fenc = &fileencoding let ftype = &filetype let mod = &modified set all& " Reset all options, except terminal options, to their default value. execute 'set fileencoding=' . fenc execute 'set filetype=' . ftype if mod set modified else set nomodified endif unlet fenc ftype mod endif " No, it is not VI, it is VIM! It is important to set this first, because this " command resets many other options. set nocompatible " Set behavior to xterm, not mswin behave xterm " 2 moving around, searching and patterns set ignorecase " Ignore case in search patterns set smartcase " Match 'word' case-insensitive and 'Word' case-sensitive set nostartofline " Keep cursor's column set whichwrap=b,s,h,l,<,>,[,],~ " Wrap to the previous/next line on all keys and ~ command " 4 displaying text set display=lastline,uhex " Show the last line instead of '@'; show non-printable chars as set lazyredraw " Do not update screen while executing macros set list " listchars only works with 'list' set listchars=tab:>_,trail:_,extends:+ " Show tabs, trailing spaces, long lines set wrap " Visually wrap long lines " With 'set wrap' wrap long lines at a character in 'breakat' " Please note 'nolist' is required to use 'linebreak' set linebreak showbreak=+\ " A plus and a space set sidescroll=1 " The minimal number of columns to scroll horizontally " 5 highlighting set nohlsearch " Stop the search highlighting " 6 multiple windows set hidden " Don't unload a buffer when no longer shown in a window; allow to switch between buffers/windows when the buffer is modified set laststatus=2 " Always show status line set splitbelow " A new window is put below of the current one set splitright " A new window is put right of the current one " 8 terminal set ttyfast " terminal connection is fast set title " Set title to the value of 'titlestring' or to 'filename - VIM' set titleold= " string to restore the title to when exiting Vim " 9 using the mouse set mouse=ar " Use mouse in all modes, plus hit-return " 12 messages and info set ruler " Show cursor position below each window set showcmd " Show (partial) command keys in the status line " Short message for [Modified]; " overwrite message for writing a file with subsequent message; " truncate long file messages set shortmess=mot " 14 editing text set backspace=indent,eol,start set complete+=k " Scan spell dictionaries for completion in addition to standard places set infercase " adjust case of a keyword completion match set nojoinspaces " Do not insert two spaces after a '.', '?' and '!' with a join command set nrformats=hex " I seldom edit octal numbers, but very often dates like 2001-02-01 " Default value 'croql' is a compromise for both natural and programming " languages, but as any compromise it works good for neither natural nor " programming languages. This value is good for natural texts, " let ftplugins to set values suitable for programming languages. set formatoptions=2t " list of flags that tell how automatic formatting works " 15 tabs and indenting set expandtab " expand to spaces in Insert mode set shiftwidth=3 " number of spaces used for each step of (auto)indent set smarttab " a in an indent inserts 'shiftwidth' spaces set softtabstop=3 " number of spaces to insert for a set noautoindent " Do not automatically set the indent of a new line " 18 mapping set timeout timeoutlen=3000 " allow timing out up to 3 seconds halfway into a mapping " 21 command line editing set history=1000 " how many command lines are remembered set suffixes+=.pyc,.pyo " list of file name extensions that have a lower priority set wildignore+=*.py[co] " Ignore these patterns when completing file names set wildmenu " command-line completion shows a list of matches set wildmode=longest,list:longest,full " Bash-vim completion behavior " 22 executing external commands if has("filterpipe") set noshelltemp " Use pipes on Unix endif " 25 multi-byte characters " Automatically detected character encodings set fileencodings=ucs-bom,us-ascii,utf-8,koi8-r,cp1251,cp866,latin1 " 26 various " ! - when included, save and restore global variables that start " with an uppercase letter, and don't contain a lowercase letter; " h - disable the effect of 'hlsearch'; " ' - number of files for which the marks are remembered; " " and < - maximum number of lines saved for a register; " s - maximum size of an item in Kbytes. if version < 603 set viminfo=!,h,'50,\"1000 else set viminfo=!,h,'50,<1000,s10 endif " c - convert viminfo to the current encoding; if has("iconv") set viminfo^=c endif " Removable media paths if has("win32") set viminfo+=ra:,rb: endif " ---------- if has("gui_running") set background=light if has("win32") "set guifont=Courier_New:h18:cRUSSIAN set guifont=Lucida_Console:h18:cRUSSIAN else set guifont=Monospace\ 16 set toolbar=icons,text " how to show the toolbar endif " set guicursor+=a:blinkon0 " Stop cursor blinking " Make shift-insert work like in Xterm " map " map! " Set nice colors " Background for normal text is light grey " Cursor is green " Text below the last line is darker grey " Status line is bright white on blue highlight Normal guibg=grey90 highlight Cursor guibg=green guifg=NONE highlight NonText guibg=grey80 highlight Constant guibg=grey90 highlight Special gui=NONE guibg=grey90 highlight StatusLine gui=bold guifg=white guibg=blue " ---------- " From http://slobin.pp.ru/vim/_vimrc.html " Arrows should go into wrapped lines, but not while popup menu is visible imap pumvisible() ? "" : "gj" imap pumvisible() ? "" : "gk" " The key should select from completion menu without adding a newline imap pumvisible() ? "" : "" " ---------- else if (&term =~ "linux") || ($BACKGROUND == 'DARK') || ($BACKGROUND == 'dark') \ || has("win32") " Background of the terminal is black or dark grey set background=dark else set background=light endif if (&term =~ "linux") execute 'set t_kb=' . nr2char(127) else highlight MoreMsg cterm=bold ctermfg=NONE highlight Question cterm=bold ctermfg=NONE endif if (&term =~ "rxvt") || (&term =~ "screen") || (&term =~ "term") || (&term =~ "vt100") execute 'set t_kb=' . nr2char(127) " 'autoselect' to always put selected text on the clipboard; " 'unnamed' to use the * register like unnamed register '*' " for all yank, delete and put operations; " This allows to use mouse for copy/paste in local xterm, " but prevents to save the unnamed register between sessions. " set clipboard=autoselect,unnamed,exclude:cons\|linux if has ("terminfo") " set t_Co=256 set t_Co=16 else set t_Co=8 set t_Sf="\e[3%dm" set t_Sb="\e[4%dm" endif endif if (&term =~ "screen") set ttymouse=xterm " Enable mouse codes under GNU screen if empty(&t_ts) " Enable window title under screen/tmux let &t_ts = "\e]2;" let &t_fs = "\007" endif endif endif highlight SpellBad term=underline cterm=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=red guifg=white guibg=red " gui=undercurl guisp=red highlight StatusLine cterm=bold ctermfg=white ctermbg=blue gui=NONE guifg=white guibg=blue highlight Visual cterm=NONE ctermfg=white ctermbg=blue gui=NONE guifg=white guibg=blue " Selection highlighting " Multiline comments often confuse vim syntax highlighting - these maps " allow to resynchronize; the first is faster, the second is more thorough nmap \sc :syntax sync clear nmap \ss :syntax sync fromstart " AUTOCOMMANDS " Enable filetype detection filetype plugin indent on " Reread me after editing autocmd BufWritePost ~/.vimrc source ~/.vimrc | syntax on if version >= 700 " Save all files before running any quickfix command (grep, makeprg, etc.) autocmd QuickFixCmdPre * wall endif " Syntax highlighting autocmd BufReadPost * syntax on " Restore last known cursor position function! RestorePosition() if exists('b:position_restored') return endif if line("'\"") > 0 call cursor(line("'\""), col("'\"")) endif let b:position_restored = 1 endfunction " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position (if saved) autocmd BufReadPost * call RestorePosition() function! SetupEncoding(encoding) if !has("iconv") || exists('b:encoding_set') || strlen(a:encoding) == 0 return endif call RestorePosition() let b:encoding_set = 1 execute "edit ++enc=" . a:encoding endfunction " http://lwn.net/Articles/226514/ augroup gpg " Remove ALL autocommands for the current group. autocmd! autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg set viminfo= autocmd BufReadPre,FileReadPre *.gpg setlocal noswapfile autocmd BufReadPost *.gpg :%!gpg -q -d autocmd BufReadPost *.gpg | redraw autocmd BufWritePre *.gpg :%!gpg --default-recipient-self -q -e -a autocmd BufWritePost *.gpg u autocmd VimLeave *.gpg :!clear " For OpenSSL: " BufReadPost: use "openssl bf -d -a" " BufWritePre: use "openssl bf -salt -a" augroup END function! SetWrap() setlocal wrap map gk imap gk map gj imap gj let b:wrap = 1 endfunction function! SetNoWrap() setlocal nowrap map k map j let b:wrap = 0 endfunction command! SetWrap call SetWrap() command! SetNoWrap call SetNoWrap() " b:wrap can be set by an ftplugin autocmd BufReadPost * if !exists("b:wrap") | call SetWrap() | endif " MAPPINGS " Do not unindent #-comment inoremap # X# " map " map " map :shell if version >= 700 " WEB BROWSERS let s:URL_re="\\v(((https?|ftp|gopher|telnet)://|(mailto|file|news|about|ed2k|irc|sip|magnet):)[^' \t<>\"]+|(www|web|w3)[a-z0-9_-]*\\.[a-z0-9._-]+\\.[^' \t<>\"]+)[a-z0-9/]\\c" function! ExtractURL() let line = getline('.') let parts = split(line, s:URL_re . '\zs') if len(parts) == 0 throw 'ExtractURLCannotFindURL' " No URL found endif let length = 0 let column = col('.') for p in parts let save_length = length let length += len(p) if length >= column break endif endfor let pos = match(p, s:URL_re) if pos == -1 throw 'ExtractURLCannotFindURL' " No URL found endif if save_length + pos >= column " cursor left of the URL throw 'ExtractURLCannotFindURL' endif return strpart(p, pos) endfunction function! EscapeURL(url) let url = substitute(a:url, ' ', '%20', 'g') return escape(url, '!#$%') endfunction function! OpenURL(url, newwin) execute "!webbrowser " . a:newwin . " '" . EscapeURL(a:url) . "'" endfunction function! ExtractOpenURL(newwin) try let url = ExtractURL() catch /^ExtractURLCannotFindURL$/ echoerr 'No URL found under cursor' return endtry call OpenURL(url, a:newwin) endfunction function! EncodeOpenURL(url, newwin) execute "!webbrowser-encode-url " . a:newwin . " '" . EscapeURL(a:url) . "'" endfunction " Send current link to a browser nmap \b :call ExtractOpenURL('') nmap \w :call ExtractOpenURL('-n') nmap \t :call ExtractOpenURL('-t') " Send visual block to a browser vmap \b ""y:call OpenURL('"', '') vmap \w ""y:call OpenURL('"', '-n') vmap \t ""y:call OpenURL('"', '-t') " Encode and send visual block to a browser vmap \B ""y:call EncodeOpenURL('"', '') vmap \W ""y:call EncodeOpenURL('"', '-n') vmap \T ""y:call EncodeOpenURL('"', '-t') " Send current file's name to a browser nmap \B :call EncodeOpenURL('file:' . expand("%:p"), '') nmap \W :call EncodeOpenURL('file:' . expand("%:p"), '-n') nmap \T :call EncodeOpenURL('file:' . expand("%:p"), '-t') endif " version >= 700 " SPELLING if has("spell") " Works in 7.0+ " Use builtin spellchecker nmap \sv :syntax off setlocal spell " Clear nmap \sn :syntax on setlocal nospell endif " Russian letters mapped in normal mode "if has("keymap") " set keymap=russian-jcuken "endif if has("langmap") if v:version >= 702 " langmap in utf-8 mode requires at least Vim 7.2.109 scriptencoding utf-8 set langmap=ё`Ё~йqцwуeкrеtнyгuшiщoзpх[ъ]фaыsвdаfпgрhоjлkдlж\\;э' \яzчxсcмvиbтnьmб\\,ю.ЙQЦWУEКRЕTНYГUШIЩOЗPХ{Ъ} \ФAЫSВDАFПGРHОJЛKДLЖ:Э\\"ЯZЧXСCМVИBТNЬMБ<Ю> elseif &encoding != 'utf-8' scriptencoding koi8-r set langmap=`~qwertyuiop[]asdfghjkl\\;' \zxcvbnm\\,.QWERTYUIOP{} \ASDFGHJKL:\\"ZXCVBNM<> endif scriptencoding us-ascii endif if version >= 700 function! W() " let encodings=filter(split(&fileencodings, ','), 'v:val != "ucs-bom"') let encodings = ['us-ascii'] if $LC_CTYPE =~ 'UTF-8' " UTF-8 or en_US.UTF-8 or ru_RU.UTF-8 or such let encodings += ['utf-8'] elseif $LC_CTYPE == 'ru_RU.KOI8-R' let encodings += ['koi8-r', 'utf-8'] elseif v:lc_time == 'Russian_Russia.1251' let encodings += ['cp1251', 'utf-8'] endif for e in encodings try execute 'set fileencoding=' . e w break catch /E513: write error, conversion failed/ continue endtry endfor if &modified throw '"' . expand('%') . '" E513: write error, conversion failed; tried ' . join(encodings, ',') elseif has("spell") call SetupSpell() endif endfunction command! W call W() endif function! SlowTerm() set laststatus=1 set noruler set shortmess=aoOtT set noshowcmd set scrolljump=5 " The minimal number of lines to scroll vertically when the cursor gets of the screen set sidescroll=5 set nottyfast set notitle set timeoutlen=5000 set nowildmenu set wildmode=list:longest set viminfo=!,h,'10,<100,s5 syntax off highlight NonText cterm=NONE ctermfg=NONE endfunction if exists("$SLOWTERM") call SlowTerm() endif " ---------- " From http://slobin.pp.ru/vim/_vimrc.html " These options will be kept between editing sessions " let options = [] " Called automagically after .viminfo and plugins are loaded, sets " miscellaneous options from persistent global variables " function! VimEnter() " for optname in g:options " let varname = "g:OPT_" . toupper(optname) " if exists(varname) " execute "let &" . optname . " = " . varname " endif " endfor " if has("gui_running") && exists("g:WINPOSX") && exists("g:WINPOSY") " execute "winpos" g:WINPOSX g:WINPOSY " endif " endfunction " Called automagically before .viminfo is saved, saves miscellaneous " options into persistent global variables " function! VimLeavePre() " call filter(g:, 'v:key !~# "^OPT_"') " for optname in g:options " let varname = "g:OPT_" . toupper(optname) " execute "let " . varname . " = &g:" . optname " endfor " if has("gui_running") " let g:WINPOSX = getwinposx() " let g:WINPOSY = getwinposy() " endif " endfunction " autocmd VimEnter * call VimEnter() " autocmd VimLeavePre * call VimLeavePre() " Called automagically after every buffer read, enables fileencoding " setting from modeline (see Tip #911: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/VimTip911) function! AutoEncoding() if &modified && &fileencoding != "" call SetupEncoding(&fileencoding) endif autocmd! auto-encoding augroup! auto-encoding endfunction augroup auto-encoding autocmd! autocmd BufWinEnter * call AutoEncoding() augroup END let CONVERT=1 " Value of a character under cursor; better than standard '0x%02B (%b)' function! HexDec() let char = matchstr(getline("."), ".", col(".") - 1) if g:CONVERT let char = iconv(char, &encoding, &fileencoding) let format = "0x%02X <%d>" else let format = "0x%02X (%d)" endif let char = char2nr(char) return printf(format, char, char) endfunction if has("iconv") " Helper function for :DecodeQP and :DecodeURL commands function! DecodeHex(arg) return iconv(printf("%c", str2nr(submatch(1), 16)), a:arg, &encoding) endfunction " Custom completion for encoding names function! EncList(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) return filter(split(&fileencodings, ','), \ "strpart(v:val, 0, strlen(a:ArgLead)) == a:ArgLead") endfunction if version >= 700 " Command for decoding qp-encoded text command! -bar -nargs=? -range -complete=customlist,EncList DecodeQP \ ,s/=\(\x\x\|\n\)/\=DecodeHex()/eg " Command for decoding url-encoded text command! -bar -nargs=? -range -complete=customlist,EncList DecodeURL \ ,s/%\(\x\x\)/\=DecodeHex()/eg endif endif if has("spell") function! SetupSpell() if &fileencoding =~ 'ascii' setlocal spelllang=en spellfile=~/.vim/spell/en.ascii.add elseif &fileencoding == 'koi8-r' setlocal spelllang=en,ru spellfile=~/.vim/spell/en.ascii.add,~/.vim/spell/ru.koi8-r.add elseif &fileencoding == 'utf-8' setlocal spelllang=en,ru spellfile=~/.vim/spell/en.ascii.add,~/.vim/spell/ru.utf-8.add else setlocal spelllang= spellfile= endif endfunction autocmd BufReadPost * call SetupSpell() endif function! SyntaxName() echomsg synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") endfunction if has("python") python << END_OF_PYTHON import sys, rlcompleter, unicodedata, vim from itertools import * vim_complete = rlcompleter.Completer().complete def vim_comp_list(): """Implementation of CompList() function""" arglead = vim.eval("a:ArgLead") fence = int(vim.eval("match(a:ArgLead, '\(\w\|\.\)*$')")) left, right = arglead[:fence], arglead[fence:] try: completions = (vim_complete(right, i) for i in count()) candidates = list(takewhile(bool, completions)) except NameError: candidates = [] suggestions = [left + x for x in candidates] vim.command("return " + repr(suggestions)) def vim_calc(command): """Implementation of :Calc command""" global _ try: result = eval(command) except SyntaxError: exec command in globals() else: if result != None: print result _ = result xx = ''.join('\\x%02x' % ord(x) for x in str(_)) vim.command('let @" = "%s"' % xx) def vim_pydo(command): """Implementation of :Pydo command""" codeobj = compile(command, "command", "eval") line1 = vim.current.range.start line2 = vim.current.range.end delta = 0 for numz in range(line1, line2+1): line = vim.current.buffer[numz-delta] uline = unicode(line, vim.eval('&fileencoding')) num = numz + 1 words = line.split() result = eval(codeobj, globals(), locals()) if result is None or result is False: del vim.current.buffer[numz-delta] delta += 1 continue if isinstance(result, list) or isinstance(result, tuple): result = " ".join(map(str, result)) else: result = str(result) vim.current.buffer[numz-delta] = result def vim_unicode_name(): try: char = vim.eval("matchstr(getline('.'), '.', col('.') - 1)") print map(unicodedata.name, char.decode(vim.eval("&encoding"))) except (AttributeError, ValueError), target: print "%s: %s" % (target.__class__.__name__, target.message) END_OF_PYTHON " Custom completion for python expressions function! CompList(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) python vim_comp_list() endfunction " Python command line calculator command! -nargs=+ -range -complete=customlist,CompList Calc \ , python vim_calc() " Python text range filter command! -nargs=+ -range -complete=customlist,CompList Pydo \ , python vim_pydo() " Display unicode name for the character under cursor command! Uname python vim_unicode_name() command! UName call Uname() endif " ---------- augroup redraw-once autocmd! " Redraw screen after all macros in ~/.vimrc and ~/.vim/ autocmd BufReadPost * redraw " Remove the redraw autocommand (it's only needed once) and the group autocmd BufReadPost * autocmd! redraw-once autocmd BufReadPost * augroup! redraw-once augroup END " This has to go to the very end of ~/.vimrc to allow reading the .vimrc set secure " safer working with script files in the current directory