#!/bin/sh # Add X authorization for all host names if xauth list | grep -Fq -- -eth; then if xauth list | grep -Fq -- -wifi; then # Nothing to do : else xauth list | sed -e 's/^/add /' -e 's/-eth/-wifi/' | xauth fi elif xauth list | grep -Fq -- -wifi; then xauth list | sed -e 's/^/add /' -e 's/-wifi/-eth/' | xauth fi PATH="$PATH":/usr/games # Set initial background xsetroot -solid DarkCyan xli -border darkcyan -center -onroot -quiet -zoom auto "`$HOME/current/projects/xsetbg/print-filename.py -e koi8-r`" # load .Xdefaults/.Xresources if [ -f "$HOME"/lib/X11/.Xdefaults ]; then xrdb -merge -I"$HOME" "$HOME"/lib/X11/.Xdefaults fi if [ -f "$HOME"/lib/X11/.Xresources ]; then xrdb -merge -I"$HOME" "$HOME"/lib/X11/.Xresources fi # SUN OpenWindows #if [ -f "$HOME"/lib/X11/.OWdefaults ]; then # xrdb -merge -nocpp "$HOME"/lib/X11/.OWdefaults # Load Users OW resource database #fi #if [ -f "$OPENWINHOME"/lib/Xdefaults ]; then # xrdb -merge "$OPENWINHOME"/lib/Xdefaults # Load Default X11 resource database #fi #if [ -x "$HOME"/lib/X11/.openwin-init ]; then # "$HOME"/lib/X11/.openwin-init # Custom OpenWindows tools #elif [ -x "$OPENWINHOME"/lib/openwin-init ]; then # "$OPENWINHOME"/lib/openwin-init # Default OpenWindows tools #fi # EN/RU, switch on RightAlt and both Shifts, # Compose: RightControl, Level3:RightMenu. setxkbmap -layout '' -variant '' -option '' setxkbmap -layout 'us,ru' -variant ',common' -option 'grp:toggle,grp:shifts_toggle,compose:rctrl,lv3:menu_switch' # Terminate X session on Ctrl+Alt+Backspace #setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp # adjust key bindings (if any) #[ -f "$HOME"/lib/X11/.Xmodmap ] && xmodmap "$HOME"/lib/X11/.Xmodmap # X settings: shorter beep #xset b 50 400 50 # mouse acceleration #xset m 5/2 # keyboard autorepeat xset r on # screen saver 5 minutes xset s 300 300 # DPMS on desktop: standby - 1 hour, suspend - 2 hours, off - 4 hours #xset dpms 3600 7200 14400 # DPMS on notebook: standby - 10 minutes, suspend - 15 minutes, off - 20 minutes xset dpms 600 900 1200 xscreensaver & xbindkeys xxkb & synclient AccelFactor=0.1 MaxDoubleTapTime=80 MaxSpeed=1 RightEdge=5000 \ TapButton1=1 TapButton2=2 TapButton3=3 HorizEdgeScroll=1 VertEdgeScroll=1 # Turn mouse off on keyboard activity; turn it back on after 1 second #syndaemon -dt -i1 # start a small console shell #xterm -C -geometry 80x8-0+0 -n Console -T Consle -ls +ut -fn 6x10 & screen_width=`xrandr --current | head -1 | awk '{print $8}'` if [ $screen_width = 1024 ]; then xclcok_geom=85x85+400+1 elif [ $screen_width = 1600 ]; then xclcok_geom=100x100+600+1 elif [ $screen_width = 1920 ]; then xclcok_geom=150x150+880+1 fi test -n "$xclcok_geom" && xclock -geometry $xclcok_geom -bg white -update 1 & unset screen_width xclcok_geom # multi-biff #xbuffy -fn '-*-helvetica-bold-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-koi8-r' -geometry +0+125 -boxfile mail/misc/.xbuffyrc & if [ -z "$WINDOW_MANAGER" ]; then WINDOW_MANAGER=fvwm2 export WINDOW_MANAGER fi dbus-launch --exit-with-session gpg-agent --daemon "$WINDOW_MANAGER" # Stop pulseaudio, xscreensaver and xsetbg.py pulseaudio -k xscreensaver-command -exit & "$HOME"/current/projects/xsetbg/xsetbg-http-stop &