Convert a Subversion repository to git ====================================== These scripts are for converting a Subversion repository to git using git-svn. The scripts are based on the code from the book "ProGit" by Scott Chacon. I'm not sure about their legal status; I'd put them into public domain. Let's imagine you want to convert to git. First, edit authors.txt. Replace my name and email with yours as the ``(no author)``. You don't want me to be the committer of your null commit, do you? Run get-authors Edit authors.txt again - set names and emails for committers. Run clone [$output_directory] Script ``clone`` tries to deduce the output directory from the given SVN URL by using base name of the path, but in our case there is no path so you must provide the output directory: clone example In case of an URL like ``clone`` doesn't need the output directory. Run clone and ``clone`` will happily convert the URL to ``project`` directory.