flake8. GitHub, Travis, AppVeyor, PyPI. Split mimedecode.py into a library and a small script. Move formatparam_27.py and mimedecode_version.py to the library. Rename mimedecode_version.py to __version__.py. Move mimedecode to http://phdru.name/Software/Python/mimedecode/ . Installers. Process message/delivery-status and text/rfc822-headers subparts. Never decode subparts of multipart/encrypted and multipart/signed messages but allow processing of headers of the top-level part, ignoring the top-level part with -I, aborting it with -e or saving the part or subparts with --save-*. Convert dates to the current locale and timezone (with an option?) Allow -d and -p accept shell-like patterns and/or regular expressions: -d content-*,-content-*-encoding Add option --save-as='%format' to generate names for --save-* files. Develop a DSL to conditionally use values of headers, parameters and the counter.