# Makefile. # # This file is a part of phdru.name homepage/blog/news generator scripts. # __author__ = "Oleg Broytman " # __copyright__ = "Copyright (C) 2006-2016 PhiloSoft Design" .SUFFIXES: # Clear the suffix list .SUFFIXES: .py .tmpl .html %.py: %.tmpl umask 022; cheetah compile --nobackup $< && compyle $@ %.html: %.tmpl umask 022; PYTHONPATH=. cheetah fill --nobackup --stdout $< | iconv -f utf-8 > $@ .PHONY: fast fast: news html .PHONY: all all: phdru.name .PHONY: phdru.name phdru.name: news blog .PHONY: blog blog: phd_site.py atom_10.py rss_20.py ./reindex_blog_ru $(MAKE) html allfiles = $(shell find ../htdocs/phdru.name -type f ! -name sitemap.xml -print) templates = $(shell find ../htdocs/phdru.name -type f -name \*.tmpl -print) htmls = $(patsubst %.tmpl,%.html,$(templates)) .PHONY: html html: phd_site.py $(htmls) .PHONY: news news: atom_10.py rss_20.py (umask 022; PYTHONPATH=. ./make-news.py en ../htdocs/phdru.name && ./make-news.py ru ../htdocs/phdru.name/Russian) SITEMAP = ../htdocs/phdru.name/sitemap.xml .PHONY: sitemap sitemap: $(SITEMAP) $(SITEMAP): $(allfiles) sitemap_gen.py --config=sitemaps/phdru.name-config.xml