#encoding koi8-r #extends phd_pp #implements respond #attr $Title = '' #attr $Description = None #attr $Keywords = None #attr $Copyright = None #attr $Prev = None #attr $Next = None #attr $refresh = None #import time #attr $last_modified_en = time.strftime("%a, %d %b %Y %T GMT", time.gmtime()) #attr $last_modified_ru = time.strftime("%d.%m.%Y в %T", time.localtime()) #attr $styles = None #attr $alternates = None #attr $Tag = None $Title #if $refresh: #end if #if $Description #end if #if $Keywords #end if #if $Copyright #set $full_copyright = $copyright($Copyright) #end if #if $root #end if #if $Prev #end if #if $Next #end if #if $styles #for $media, $style in $styles #end for #end if #if $alternates #for $type, $title, $href in $alternates #end for #end if $body #def link_tag($tag) $tag #end def #if $Tag
#if isinstance($Tag, basestring) #if $path.startswith("/Russian/") Тег: #else Tag: #end if $link_tag($Tag) #else #if $path.startswith("/Russian/") Теги: #else Tags: #end if #for $tag in $Tag $link_tag($tag) #end for #end if #end if
#if $path.endswith("index.html") #set $path = $path[:-len("index.html")] #end if #if $path.startswith("/Russian/")

Эта страница http://phd.pp.ru$path была сгенерирована $last_modified_ru из шаблона CheetahTemplate $_fileBaseName; Вы можете узнать о технических аспектах этого сайта.


This is the page http://phd.pp.ru$path. It was generated on $last_modified_en from CheetahTemplate $_fileBaseName; read more about technical aspects of the site.

#end if #slurp