]> git.phdru.name Git - phdru.name/phdru.name.git/shortlog
2025-01-16 Oleg BroytmanFeat(reindex_blog): Add href to DW master
2024-11-16 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Add `requirements.txt`
2024-10-02 Oleg BroytmanFix(reindex_blog): Sort tags
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanFeat(reindex_blog.py): Расширить описание
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanFix(blog): Fix tag encoding
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanFix(reindex_blog.py): Fix encoding
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanFix(reindex_blog.py): More realistic examples
2024-06-16 Oleg BroytmanFix(reindex_blog.py): Change path to cgi script
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(reindex_blog.py): Get rid of `cgi`
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat: Python 3
2024-06-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat(Makefile): Add target `clean-html`
2024-05-21 Oleg BroytmanFix(Makefile): All generated files depend on `phd.py`
2024-05-21 Oleg BroytmanFix(phd.py): Fix href to root
2024-05-01 Oleg BroytmanFeat(blog): Encode tags
2024-04-12 Oleg BroytmanFix(phd.py): Change URL for Lurk
2023-07-11 Oleg BroytmanFeat(dotfiles2html.py): Process `mc.ext.ini`
2023-07-11 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(dotfiles2html.py)
2022-08-08 Oleg BroytmanFeat: Also update the repository
2022-08-08 Oleg BroytmanFix: sitemap depends on `phdru.name-config.xml`
2021-12-12 Oleg BroytmanFix(reindex_blog): Fix encodings
2021-12-12 Oleg BroytmanFix(remove_old_html): Check if the blog is empty
2021-07-13 Oleg BroytmanFeat(Makefile): Update every html when `phd_site.tmpl...
2021-07-13 Oleg BroytmanFeat(phd_site.tmpl): OpenID is no longer supported
2020-08-27 Oleg BroytmanDelete outdated `update-ALL`
2020-08-21 Oleg BroytmanFeat(dotfiles2html): Always remove `cgmem_nice`
2020-08-21 Oleg BroytmanFeat(dotfiles2html): Always read the original file
2020-08-21 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(dotfiles2html): Fix import
2020-08-21 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(dotfiles2html): Remove duplicate checks
2020-08-21 Oleg BroytmanStyle(dotfiles2html): Fix indents to be 4 spaces
2020-08-21 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(dotfiles2html): Reorder code blocks
2020-06-12 Oleg BroytmanFeat(remove_old_html.py): Remove old HTML in the blog
2020-06-12 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(phd.py): `ymd` is exactly 3 items
2020-06-11 Oleg BroytmanStyle(phd.py): Fix `flake8` warnings
2020-06-11 Oleg BroytmanRefactor(phd.py): Unroll tuple assignments
2020-06-11 Oleg BroytmanStyle(phd.py): Rename `old_blog` -> `blog`
2020-06-04 Oleg BroytmanForce `cheetah` to always run under Python 2.7
2020-05-31 Oleg BroytmanRevert "TODO: �������� � HTML ���� ��������� �������"
2020-05-24 Oleg BroytmanFeat(dotfiles2html): No longer publish `fvwm2rc`
2020-05-02 Oleg BroytmanFix(dotfiles2html): Fix `mplayer`
2020-05-02 Oleg BroytmanFix(dotfiles2html): Remove outdated `smplayer`
2020-04-24 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Add `remote-work-bio2-lj.html` as another specia...
2020-04-19 Oleg BroytmanTODO: �������� � HTML ���� ��������� �������
2020-04-13 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Add `remote-work-bio-lj.html` as another special...
2020-04-11 Oleg BroytmanBuild: Make `instant-messengers-lj.html` a special...
2020-04-05 Oleg BroytmanFix: Ignore conversion errors in `iconv`
2020-02-29 Oleg BroytmanFeat(gen-sitemap): Exclude `/.well-known`
2020-02-04 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ��������� � ����� ������ ���ң�
2019-04-15 Oleg BroytmanFeat(dotfiles2html): Stop processing `mplayer`
2018-05-25 Oleg BroytmanUpgrade: http://phdru.name/ -> https://phdru.name/
2018-01-14 Oleg BroytmanFix: Remove duplicate import
2017-12-16 Oleg BroytmanFix(cheetah compile): chmod +x
2017-09-07 Oleg BroytmanFeat(phd_site.tmpl): Add canonical link
2017-08-04 Oleg BroytmanFix(blog): Fix base URL for Russian blog
2017-06-25 Oleg BroytmanAdd charset=koi8-r to Content-Type
2017-06-19 Oleg BroytmanFix: blog_db.py is a module, not a script
2017-05-27 Oleg BroytmanTODO: https://phdru.name/ - done using LetsEncrypt
2017-04-10 Oleg Broytman���������� � ����� ������ �� ����./����. ����� �� ...
2017-04-10 Oleg BroytmanSplit blog loading/saving from reindex_blog.py to blog_...
2017-04-10 Oleg Broytman������ ��������������� �������� reindex_blog.py
2017-04-10 Oleg Broytman������ �������� � Cheetah � ������� Cheetah ��� ��...
2017-04-10 Oleg BroytmanFix [ -nt ]-test for /bin/sh
2017-04-10 Oleg BroytmanExecute sitemap_gen.py
2017-04-10 Oleg BroytmanAdapted to Python3 and Cheetah3
2017-03-19 Oleg BroytmanAdd scripts to find html files with or w/o templates
2017-03-03 Oleg BroytmanOption '-d' changed to '-D' in script 'distribute'
2016-07-23 Oleg BroytmanAdd function lurkmoar() to point URLs to Lurkmore
2016-07-09 Oleg Broytman��������� ��������� ��������
2016-07-07 Oleg BroytmanMake sitemap automatically
2016-07-06 Oleg BroytmanMake sitemap
2016-07-06 Oleg BroytmanClear the suffix list to use only relevant suffixes
2016-07-06 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ��������� sitemap_gen �� Makefile
2016-06-03 Oleg BroytmanPublish gitconfig
2016-03-24 Oleg BroytmanTODO: Lektor
2016-03-02 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ���������� �� ���� ��������� ������ �� �����...
2016-01-08 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ���������� � ����� ������ �� ����./����. �����
2016-01-08 Oleg BroytmanTLS is new SSL
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytman������� �� Pelican ��� Nicola
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanRemove update
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytman������ ������ openid �� ���� �������, ����� ��������
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ������ ������ openid �� ���� �������, ����� ...
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanRefactor update script
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanUse StartPage as the default search engine
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanUse https for Wikipedia
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ������� ��������� ����������������� sitemap.html
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: generate links
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: fix a bug: args.exclude can be None
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: refactoring
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: generate template
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: umask 022
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: generate simple html
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: minor optimization
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: build tree
2015-12-23 Oleg Broytmangen-sitemap: exclude uninteresting directories
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanAdd gen-sitemap.py
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanTODO: bottle templates
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ������������ ���������������� sitemap.html
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanTODO: ������� �� Mako? ptml?
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanFix a bug -- encode html to utf-8
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanPartially revert the previous patch
2015-12-23 Oleg BroytmanFix double recoding