]> git.phdru.name Git - dotfiles.git/blob - lib/X11/xterm
.gitconfig: Add receive.deny*
[dotfiles.git] / lib / X11 / xterm
1 !
2 ! XTerm
3 !
4 #if WIDTH > 640
5 # define XTERM_GEOMETRY 80x30
6 #else
7 ! 640x480
8 # define XTERM_GEOMETRY 80x25-0-0
9 #endif
11 XTerm*Background:                       BACKGROUND_TEXT
12 XTerm*Foreground:                       FOREGROUND_TEXT
13 XTerm*VT100*Background:                 BACKGROUND_TEXT
14 XTerm*VT100*Foreground:                 FOREGROUND_TEXT
16 XTerm*VT100*borderColor:                BORDER_COLOR
17 XTerm*VT100*cursorColor:                CURSOR_COLOR
18 XTerm*VT100*pointerColor:               POINTER_COLOR
19 XTerm*VT100*pointerColorBackGround:     BACKGROUND_TEXT
21 XTerm*SimpleMenu*menuLabel.font:        STD_FONT
22 XTerm*VT100*iconFont:                   STD_FONT
23 XTerm*VT100*font:                       STD_FONT
24 XTerm*VT100*font1:                      UNREADABLE_FONT
25 XTerm*VT100*font2:                      TINY_FONT
26 XTerm*VT100*font3:                      SMALL_FONT
27 XTerm*VT100*font4:                      MEDIUM_FONT
28 XTerm*VT100*font5:                      LARGE_FONT
29 XTerm*VT100*font6:                      HUGE_FONT
31 XTerm*VT100*c132:                       true
32 XTerm*VT100*curses:                     true
33 XTerm*VT100*deiconifyWarp:              false
34 XTerm*VT100*fullCursor:                 true
35 XTerm*VT100*iconStartup:                false
36 XTerm*VT100*internalBorder:             2
37 XTerm*VT100*jumpScroll:                 true
38 XTerm*VT100*logFile:                    XtermLog.XXXXX
39 XTerm*VT100*logging:                    false
40 XTerm*VT100*logInhibit:                 false
41 XTerm*VT100*loginShell:                 true
42 XTerm*VT100*marginBell:                 false
43 XTerm*VT100*multiScroll:                true
44 XTerm*VT100*nMarginBell:                10
45 XTerm*VT100*pageOverlap:                1
46 XTerm*VT100*pageScroll:                 false
47 XTerm*VT100*reverseVideo:               false
48 XTerm*VT100*reverseWrap:                true
49 XTerm*VT100*saveLines:                  1024
50 XTerm*VT100*scrollBar:                  true
51 XTerm*VT100*scrollInput:                true
52 XTerm*VT100*scrollKey:                  false
53 XTerm*scrollTtyOutput:                  false
54 XTerm*VT100*scrollPosition:             right
55 XTerm*VT100*statusLine:                 false
56 XTerm*VT100*statusNormal:               false
57 XTerm*VT100*termName:                   x11term
58 XTerm*VT100*textUnderIcon:              true
59 XTerm*VT100*title:                      xterm
60 XTerm*VT100*titleBar:                   true
61 XTerm*VT100*titleFont:                  SMALL_FONT
62 XTerm*VT100*utmpInhibit:                false
63 XTerm*VT100*visualBell:                 false
64 XTerm*VT100*vt102:                      false
65 XTerm*VT100*warp:                       false
67 XTerm*locale: true
68 XTerm*utf8Title: true
69 XTerm*EightBitInput: True
70 XTerm*metaSendsEscape: true
71 XTerm*charClass: 33:48,37:48,45-47:48,64:48,126:48
72 XTerm*loginShell: true
74 UXTerm*locale: true
75 UXTerm*utf8Title: true
76 UXTerm*termName: xterm
77 UXTerm*geometry: XTERM_GEOMETRY
78 UXTerm*font: STD_FONT
79 UXTerm*saveLines: 1024
80 UXTerm*loginShell: true
82 ! http://threebit.net/mail-archive/kde/msg00076.html
83 *VT100*dynamicColors:   on
84 XTerm*color0:  black
85 XTerm*color1:  red3
86 XTerm*color2:  green3
87 XTerm*color3:  yellow3
88 XTerm*color4:  blue3
89 XTerm*color5:  magenta3
90 XTerm*color6:  cyan3
91 XTerm*color7:  grey90
92 XTerm*color8:  grey30
93 XTerm*color9:  red
94 XTerm*color10: green
95 XTerm*color11: yellow
96 XTerm*color12: blue
97 XTerm*color13: magenta
98 XTerm*color14: cyan
99 XTerm*color15: white
100 XTerm*colorBD: white
101 XTerm*colorMode:       on
102 XTerm*colorUL: yellow
104 ! http://www.muquit.com/muquit/software/ansi_xterm/XTerm
105 ! color1 is mutt''s RFC 822 headers
106 ! color4 is mutt''s foreground
107 ! color7 is mutt''s background
108 ! color10 is used for ls --color for file with execute bit set
109 ! color12 is used in ls --color for directories
110 !*xterm*color16: snow
111 !*xterm*color17: GhostWhite
112 !*xterm*color18: WhiteSmoke
113 !*xterm*color19: gainsboro
114 !*xterm*color20: FloralWhite
115 !*xterm*color21: OldLace
116 !*xterm*color22: linen
117 !*xterm*color23: AntiqueWhite
118 !*xterm*color24: PapayaWhip
119 !*xterm*color25: BlanchedAlmond
120 !*xterm*color26: bisque
121 !*xterm*color27: PeachPuff
122 !*xterm*color28: NavajoWhite
123 !*xterm*color29: moccasin
124 !*xterm*color30: cornsilk
125 !*xterm*color31: ivory
126 !*xterm*color32: LemonChiffon
127 !*xterm*color33: seashell
128 !*xterm*color34: honeydew
129 !*xterm*color35: MintCream
130 !*xterm*color36: azure
131 !*xterm*color37: AliceBlue
132 !*xterm*color38: lavender
133 !*xterm*color39: LavenderBlush
134 !*xterm*color40: MistyRose
135 !*xterm*color41: white
136 !*xterm*color42: black
137 !*xterm*color43: DarkSlateGrey
138 !*xterm*color44: DarkSlateGrey
139 !*xterm*color45: DimGrey
140 !*xterm*color46: DimGrey
141 !*xterm*color47: SlateGrey
142 !*xterm*color48: SlateGrey
143 !*xterm*color49: LightSlateGrey
144 !*xterm*color50: LightSlateGrey
145 !*xterm*color51: grey
146 !*xterm*color52: grey
147 !*xterm*color53: LightGrey
148 !*xterm*color54: LightGrey
149 !*xterm*color55: MidnightBlue
150 !*xterm*color56: navy
151 !*xterm*color57: NavyBlue
152 !*xterm*color58: CornflowerBlue
153 !*xterm*color59: DarkSlateBlue
154 !*xterm*color60: SlateBlue
155 !*xterm*color61: MediumSlateBlue
156 !*xterm*color62: LightSlateBlue
157 !*xterm*color63: MediumBlue
158 !*xterm*color64: RoyalBlue
159 !*xterm*color65: blue
160 !*xterm*color66: DodgerBlue
161 !*xterm*color67: DeepSkyBlue
162 !*xterm*color68: SkyBlue
163 !*xterm*color69: LightSkyBlue
164 !*xterm*color70: SteelBlue
165 !*xterm*color71: LightSteelBlue
166 !*xterm*color72: LightBlue
167 !*xterm*color73: PowderBlue
168 !*xterm*color74: PaleTurquoise
169 !*xterm*color75: DarkTurquoise
170 !*xterm*color76: MediumTurquoise
171 !*xterm*color77: turquoise
172 !*xterm*color78: cyan
173 !*xterm*color79: LightCyan
174 !*xterm*color80: CadetBlue
175 !*xterm*color81: MediumAquamarine
176 !*xterm*color82: aquamarine
177 !*xterm*color83: DarkGreen
178 !*xterm*color84: DarkOliveGreen
179 !*xterm*color85: DarkSeaGreen
180 !*xterm*color86: SeaGreen
181 !*xterm*color87: MediumSeaGreen
182 !*xterm*color88: LightSeaGreen
183 !*xterm*color89: PaleGreen
184 !*xterm*color90: SpringGreen
185 !*xterm*color91: LawnGreen
186 !*xterm*color92: green
187 !*xterm*color93: chartreuse
188 !*xterm*color94: MediumSpringGreen
189 !*xterm*color95: GreenYellow
190 !*xterm*color96: LimeGreen
191 !*xterm*color97: YellowGreen
192 !*xterm*color98: ForestGreen
193 !*xterm*color99: OliveDrab
194 !*xterm*color100: DarkKhaki
195 !*xterm*color101: khaki
196 !*xterm*color102: PaleGoldenrod
197 !*xterm*color103: LightGoldenrodYellow
198 !*xterm*color104: LightYellow
199 !*xterm*color105: yellow
200 !*xterm*color106: gold
201 !*xterm*color107: LightGoldenrod
202 !*xterm*color108: goldenrod
203 !*xterm*color109: DarkGoldenrod
204 !*xterm*color110: RosyBrown
205 !*xterm*color111: IndianRed
206 !*xterm*color112: SaddleBrown
207 !*xterm*color113: sienna
208 !*xterm*color114: peru
209 !*xterm*color115: burlywood
210 !*xterm*color116: beige
211 !*xterm*color117: wheat
212 !*xterm*color118: SandyBrown
213 !*xterm*color119: tan
214 !*xterm*color120: chocolate
215 !*xterm*color121: firebrick
216 !*xterm*color122: brown
217 !*xterm*color123: DarkSalmon
218 !*xterm*color124: salmon
219 !*xterm*color125: LightSalmon
220 !*xterm*color126: orange
221 !*xterm*color127: DarkOrange
222 !*xterm*color128: coral
223 !*xterm*color129: LightCoral
224 !*xterm*color130: tomato
225 !*xterm*color131: OrangeRed
226 !*xterm*color132: red
227 !*xterm*color133: HotPink
228 !*xterm*color134: DeepPink
229 !*xterm*color135: pink
230 !*xterm*color136: LightPink
231 !*xterm*color137: PaleVioletRed
232 !*xterm*color138: maroon
233 !*xterm*color139: MediumVioletRed
234 !*xterm*color140: VioletRed
235 !*xterm*color141: magenta
236 !*xterm*color142: violet
237 !*xterm*color143: plum
238 !*xterm*color144: orchid
239 !*xterm*color145: MediumOrchid
240 !*xterm*color146: DarkOrchid
241 !*xterm*color147: DarkViolet
242 !*xterm*color148: BlueViolet
243 !*xterm*color149: purple
244 !*xterm*color150: MediumPurple
245 !*xterm*color151: thistle
246 !*xterm*color152: snow1
247 !*xterm*color153: snow2
248 !*xterm*color154: snow3
249 !*xterm*color155: snow4
251 ! http://www.math.colostate.edu/~reinholz/freebsd/apps_terminal.html
252 !XTerm*Foreground: light grey
253 !XTerm*Background: black
254 !XTerm*boldMode: false
255 !XTerm*visiblebell: false
256 !
257 !!red
258 !XTerm*color1: #EA6868
259 !XTerm*color9: #FF7272
260 !!green
261 !XTerm*color2: #ABCB8D
262 !XTerm*color10: #AFD78A
263 !!yellow
264 !XTerm*color3: #E8AE5B
265 !XTerm*color11: #FFA75D
266 !!blue
267 !XTerm*color4: #71C5F4
268 !XTerm*color12: #67CDE9
269 !!magenta
270 !XTerm*color5: #E2BAF1
271 !XTerm*color13: #ECAEE9
272 !!cyan
273 !XTerm*color6: #21F1EA
274 !XTerm*color14: #36FFFC
275 !!white
276 !XTerm*color7: #F1F1F1
277 !XTerm*color15: #FFFFFF
279 !Aterm*termName: xterm
280 !Aterm*geometry: XTERM_GEOMETRY
281 !Aterm*font: STD_FONT
282 !Aterm*saveLines: 1024
283 !Aterm*loginShell: true
285 ! http://www.opennet.ru/base/X/xterm_color.txt.html
286 ! Scrollbar tuning
287 !BlueTerm*VT100.Scrollbar.thumb:  royal blue
288 !BlueTerm*VT100.Scrollbar.width:         9
289 !BlueTerm*VT100.Scrollbar.background:    steel blue
290 !BlueTerm*VT100.Scrollbar.foreground:    black
292 !BlueTerm*mainMenu*backgroundPixmap: gradient:vertical?dimension=350&start=SkyBlue1&end=blue4
293 !BlueTerm*SimpleMenu*background: dark slate blue
294 !BlueTerm*SimpleMenu*foreground: deep sky blue
296 !BlueTerm*VT100.background: midnight blue
297 !BlueTerm*VT100.foreground: cornflower blue
298 ! Uncomment this to use color for the bold attribute
299 !BlueTerm*VT100*colorBDMode:  on
300 !BlueTerm*VT100*colorBD: deep sky blue
301 !BlueTerm*VT100*cursorColor: blue
302 ! fonts
303 !BlueTerm*VT100*boldMode: false
304 !BlueTerm*VT100*boldFont: fixed
306 !BlueTerm*VT100*color0: black
307 !BlueTerm*VT100*color1: red3
308 !BlueTerm*VT100*color2: sea green
309 !BlueTerm*VT100*color3: goldenrod
310 !BlueTerm*VT100*color4: royal blue
311 !BlueTerm*VT100*color5: magenta3
312 !BlueTerm*VT100*color6: #007474
313 !BlueTerm*VT100*color7: lightgrey
314 !BlueTerm*VT100*color8: grey50
315 !BlueTerm*VT100*color9: red
316 !BlueTerm*VT100*color10: green
317 !BlueTerm*VT100*color11: yellow
318 !BlueTerm*VT100*color12: blue
319 !BlueTerm*VT100*color13: magenta
320 !BlueTerm*VT100*color14: cyan
321 !BlueTerm*VT100*color15: white
323 Rxvt*saveLines: 1024
324 Rxvt*loginShell: true
325 Rxvt*geometry: XTERM_GEOMETRY
326 Rxvt*font: STD_FONT
327 Rxvt*cursorColor:                CURSOR_COLOR
328 Rxvt*colorBD: black
329 Rxvt*colorIT: black
330 Rxvt*colorUL: black
331 Rxvt*colorRV: black
332 Rxvt*scrollTtyOutput: false
333 Rxvt*scrollWithBuffer: false
334 Rxvt*scrollTtyKeypress: true
336 Rxvt*foreground: black
337 Rxvt*background: light grey
338 Rxvt*boldMode: false
339 Rxvt*visibleBell: false
341 *borderless:           true
342 *scrollBar:            false
343 Rxvt.urlLauncher:      webbrowserX
344 Rxvt.transparent:      true
345 black.transparent:     false
346 Rxvt.shading:          20
348 XTerm*bellIsUrgent: true
349 Rxvt.urgentOnBell: true
351 Rxvt.font-size.step: 1
352 Rxvt.iso14755: false
353 Rxvt.iso14755_52: false
355 ! black
356 Rxvt*color0  : black
357 Rxvt*color8  : grey20
358 ! red
359 Rxvt*color1  : red3
360 Rxvt*color9  : red2
361 ! green
362 Rxvt*color2  : green3
363 Rxvt*color10 : green2
364 ! yellow
365 Rxvt*color3  : darkgoldenrod
366 Rxvt*color11 : yellow
367 ! blue
368 Rxvt*color4  : blue3
369 Rxvt*color12 : blue2
370 ! magenta
371 Rxvt*color5  : magenta3
372 Rxvt*color13 : magenta2
373 ! cyan
374 Rxvt*color6  : cyan3
375 Rxvt*color14 : cyan2
376 ! white
377 Rxvt*color7  : lightgrey
378 Rxvt*color15 : white
380 #if WIDTH > 1600
381 # define XFT_FONT xft:Monospace:size=18
382 #elif WIDTH > 1200
383 # define XFT_FONT xft:Monospace:size=16
384 #elif WIDTH > 800
385 # define XFT_FONT xft:Monospace:size=14
386 #else
387 # define XFT_FONT xft:Monospace:size=12
388 #endif
390 URxvt*termName: rxvt
391 URxvt*font: XFT_FONT